Really that is not very complex.
For over 30 years elites work hard to involve Russia into globalist agenda. Kissinger was in the game deeply, more than everybody could imagine. He invested a lot of work into that thing. Unlike failed with his stupid "opposition" and "woke" moves Soros, who participated in that work too, Kissinger didn't make jerky moves. Slowly destroying Russian industry, pushing hard dependece on western tech, all that western economics shit, green light for "Russian" oligarchs in the West and so on. He find some keys to sucking Russia into globalist agenda and make a huge success. And now, new, young woke globohomos literally destroying his enormous 30 year work with stupid sanctions and narrative. Every week of sanctions destroys years of Kissinger work.
That is why he made his statement. In the long run, it is more profitable for elites to restore relations with Russia at any cost and bind it to agenda back, than get some temporary success with their rush to famine/shortages stuff, but lose Russia completely.
It is clear for Kissinger that even dumb sheeple will began to ask an unpleasant questions about why that bad Russia have enough food and fuel for all its orcs, when elites talk about "global shortages" for them, nice, obedient and woke sheeple. It is not global, if it is only West suffering. And that sheeple will not give a fuck to that poor Ukraine, most of them become aware of just at Feb 23, when it comes to daily food and fuel.
Kissinger plan was much better in long run - destroy or gain NWO control over Russian industry, involving Russia into carbon tax hoax and other stuff, and finally make shortages really global, in Russia too. Slow, but reliable.
So, that is not Kissinger on Russia side. It is Kissinger protecting NWO agenda that is ruining apart with the hands of woke, impatient and stupid Young Global Leaders who literally pushing Russia out of NWO highway.
What about other countries? Do you remember that it should be World Order, not West order or China Order?
Parts. And Africa? They don't care a lot about cohoax during all hoax why should they do it now?
Don't see any changes around. Everything as usual, except, may be fuel prices and USD import prices, they become slightly lower, even with traditional Russian 20% inflation, that we have since 1990s. No any signs shortages of any goods or food. The only result of that stupid "sugar shortages" hoax is that now all supermarkets and groceries filled with shugar to the top. Palettes with sugar now stays in passages, hopefully it does not have real use-by date.
What else? Ask me anything, just tell what should I look for to find that "higher prices" in the 1/6 part of World.
Don't know about Africa, but there is nothing unusual with prices in China. Or in India. Or in Russia (yes, it takes huge part of Asia too). Things are as usual.
Who exactly did that? And how does it correlate with reality? Could it be just another hoax to take out more food from US/EU to make things worse in US/EU?
Do you really believe that there exists some single oil price, and that price for West and price for China is the same? Nominated in that failed USD especially. Who in the world now cares what that white collars at stock exchanges cheated out? That stupid west stocks voodo began to fail worldwide, and do not work anymore.
Your example just don't align with reality. So who is duped?
You're as dumb as the hills. They care. Who is the head of the Who? No, who? Dumbass. It's an African. How strict was the South African and most green zones in Africa, Covid measures? What about the other fever, larsa, epidemics of yellow fever, swine fever, ebola, monkey pox. Tell me thick as shit what it's all about? Why they'd implement I.Ds? What are they selling.
Now go and click on Google, this week, about their blame towards Russia for increasing food shortages? Far more shortages incoming and prices rising, no wait, it's because the Inflation isn't running off in Sri Lanka, Iran, Turkey, and many many more. I could name them, or maybe you should use Google. Instead of believing in propaganda, and creating fantasies.
So what if China and India have slightly cheaper oil prices, that's a joke, the price has increased, sure Russia might be selling it cheaper under sanctions, but the price is rising. Russia cuts its costs to sell surplus for how long, douche, how long will it sell it cheap to fund its war effort?
What has China even done. Production has been cut in the cohoax. It must be to make the West pay more. Hahaha. No seriously all that belt and road are still buying the Chinese in the Cohoax. Or has debt increased. Russia's selling it to them through sanctions at what price. Demand has peaked. Bait and hook. They'll sell it higher sooner in any event as demand surges.
You dumb cunt. War would be easier. Instead of causing the demand, why? War, it would be far too easy. We be at it already, completely engaged, if it weren't for the. Have a guess. Make the NWO pay. You're hilarious.
There's still time for it, and at this rate something could go off. But the demand is forcing what? War, yes please, it's easier. Not the half of it.
So, I'm really dumb. OK. You name tons of african diseases they expirience for a centuries, and somehow they should care about some flu. I believe that South Africa, most woke state could do it, but it is not all Africa at all. And who head is not Africa too. I don't see any logic when you take something that propaganda name "civilized" (like South Africa or Kenya) and use it as whole Africa, completely ignoring a fact that there is much more. How about coronahoax in Egypt, Mauritania, Angola, etc? Half of my buddies spend vacations in Egypt all over coronahoax without any problems.
What is the point to account only pro-liberal, pro-western states as World? I'm so dumb that I don't understand.
Does that mean that inflation running everywhere? What about Zimbabve? Could they ever notice your inflation running with their way of life with 80% year inflation and trillion dollars banknotes?
20% annual infaltion is a disaster for the West, but it is literally nothing for Russia.
You are trying to measure the economic of other countries using western caliper. Isn't that senseless?
Yes, that's a joke. Joke about two times cheaper oil (even more for long deals) for those who don't give a fuck to Western sanctions.
It could sell it for cheap forever, if it fits the policy with buyer. Or just go barter.
Oil price is not something fixed and same for all. Not anymore. Just like region DVD or localized PC game prices. There is no single USD nominated oil price anymore. You have oil priced with roubles, yuans, rupees, dinars, whatever, and apart from that, prices are different for every seller and buyer pair.
Now, explain me, how that fit NWO agenda? You can't establish world order without unification of economy, without world currency and without centralized and controlled trade with single worldwide price for commodities. Kissinger build that unification for a long time. To make NWO possible. Now, his work nearly destroyed.
Egypt closed its borders in the pandemic and allowed some travel in. Funnily my old man escaped lock down inventing a bullshit excuse, flight was cancelled unless reasons, to go to Egypt, he got stuck there for a few months, in a hotel not really allowed to do much else, before getting a flight to Malta, and getting lock down in a villa. Dumbass, but he thought it was better. Lockdown somewhere else without any real insurance and increased costs if the worst. So much better. At least he wasn't told he couldn't go somewhere else.
You missed the fucking point. You always miss the point. What are they selling and importantly, why. Instead you invent bullshit, because the West is living rent free? No, you're selling Africa is. You're gonna supply them all the stuff, or simply sell them some guns, making good little revolutionaries and terrorists? No, what? Giving them the cheaper oil for their increasing populations demanding, food, or?
Zimbabwe has crippling inflation like most of Africa. It employs which percentage like Nigeria and many others. 40% or less, employment? How much? Is this why there's all the terrorism? What about all these countries with epidemics they've had for centuries increasing with the rapid population increases. Africa was never historically populated. Not by anything like today. The Ottomans tried to roll into Kenya, like in 14th or 15th century and became a lost colony. They built some shit down there, and fucking vanished. Disappeared. Disease, head hunters, who knows what happened. Apart from slavers. The Portuguese and colonisation had better success. Until the population exploded today, massively within the last 40 years.
Until we're at what fucking point today? Please reiterate it right now? Russia is gonna feed them all, how about India, halting many crop exports? Or what are they gonna buy, China? Those property ghost towns, now that they've just collapsed with Fantasia, Sinic, and Evergrande in default. Hahaha.
Russia sold surplus, largely to get immediate funding for its war, and diverging from other banking, now it has the sales and partners what price is it. It goes up. Demand on the barrel. Dumbass.
The West feels what? Brand new transportation systems, it's selling, no reiterate it? Doesn't it have to collapse the current system to force it?
What's the scam and why? War would be easier. But there's always another agenda. Or we will be at it real soon. But it hasn't happened yet, because what is actually happening? The West is collapsing. You're a funny guy. Hilarious.
So give me that fucking point. Logical and solid point. That will fit all things, worldwide things.
I don't really see any reason to supply Africa with anything. They have everything to build a decent living, they have workforce, resources, land and decent climate. Old, white South Africa shown that it is perfectly possible. If aboriginal population have some other goals in their development as civilisation, why the hell anybody should care?
Why? There are even no any rumors about feeding Africa. Yes, we have some connections with Angola, Egypt, and few others, from the USSR times and have some trade, mostly barter with exception of Egypt who become Russian Red Sea beach, but all that humanitarian feeding starving African kids is in the Soviet past.
Why sell it now, if later you could sell them to EU at twice or more price?
Ghost towns is interesting China phenomena. As locals told me, in reality they are attempt to extract excess money from economy and to avoid inflation. And obviously, it is better to have something real, than a digits in abroad computer as a reserve. For growing China population, town is not the worst thing to reserve money. Ghost towns are not a new things. And they are not abandoned or dead. They are ready to receive habitans when needed. F.e. Shenzhen town was such a ghost town in the past. Now it is huge industrial center full of people.
Russia don't need external funding for war. All warfare chains are local. They will work even in full isolation, just like in USSR. There was attempts to make Russian MIC dependent on the external supplies, aforementioned Kissinger invest a lot of effort in this too, but since 2014 it is back to self-sufficiency. Not as good as USSR MIC, of course, but decent enough. And that was modern elites who did it.
Russia sell surplus mostly for consumer goods, machinery and oligarchs wealth. Now ability of oligarchs to hide wealth in the west is very limited.
In the new non-USD long-term contracts price is fixed. Price will not change for buyer for all contract term.
Hoax. Non-existent reasons for declared shortages.
What's the agenda, really? And how things that is really happening to help that agenda really help that agenda? OK, they create fake war, say, to establish global famine in order to implement all that food rationing, digital slavery and green, state-controlled EV. But at the same time they fucked up, f.e. chip production that is absolutely necessary to establish their digital slavery and force EV. You can't chip people if you have no chips. You can't force EV if you have no chips.
Why the idea that elites just fucked themselves up is so unacceptable for you?