Current spot price for Romanian poontang: 10€ for blowjob, 20€ for anal. In the bushes close to the parking lot at the fair grounds. Expected to go down due to mass immigration of uki prime flesh.
They are the Worst damn whores on the entire Planet in a ratio of about 1 to 50 or 100. Their immigrant gangs blight the scene selling skanks, disgusting skanks, gypo, diseased freaks. Their pictures are opposites of advertisements. Their work ethic in any other job is lazy and criminal. If they advertise anything expect monsters. If their whores are escorts, expect a shag so bad you're better off, not bothering. Never shag Romanians no matter what they're selling. They are the worst at it. Nobody else does it as badly, nobody by that comparison. Nobody else from anywhere else on the entire planet. Even their cam whores are an awful comparison, sure they might look okay, until you buy something from them. They have no work ethics. Liars, gypos, freaks, and whores every damn Romanian. If there was ever a country on the Planet which had no point. It's Romania. A nation of assholes and whores.
This is largely for the laughs. But there is a conspiracy here. They are freaking terrible. The worst. I don't know what happened to cause it. But something has. Avoid. Although you'll statistically find them in such numbers. But the numbers they sell are awful, the worst by any other comparison. It isn't just their whores. It's the mindset.
Current spot price for Romanian poontang: 10€ for blowjob, 20€ for anal. In the bushes close to the parking lot at the fair grounds. Expected to go down due to mass immigration of uki prime flesh.
They are the Worst damn whores on the entire Planet in a ratio of about 1 to 50 or 100. Their immigrant gangs blight the scene selling skanks, disgusting skanks, gypo, diseased freaks. Their pictures are opposites of advertisements. Their work ethic in any other job is lazy and criminal. If they advertise anything expect monsters. If their whores are escorts, expect a shag so bad you're better off, not bothering. Never shag Romanians no matter what they're selling. They are the worst at it. Nobody else does it as badly, nobody by that comparison. Nobody else from anywhere else on the entire planet. Even their cam whores are an awful comparison, sure they might look okay, until you buy something from them. They have no work ethics. Liars, gypos, freaks, and whores every damn Romanian. If there was ever a country on the Planet which had no point. It's Romania. A nation of assholes and whores.
This is largely for the laughs. But there is a conspiracy here. They are freaking terrible. The worst. I don't know what happened to cause it. But something has. Avoid. Although you'll statistically find them in such numbers. But the numbers they sell are awful, the worst by any other comparison. It isn't just their whores. It's the mindset.