To "stand under" suggested rights represents being at liberty of others; caused by consenting to their suggestions.
the constitution
CONSTITU (to set; to establish) -TION (through action)...form (life) represents the reaction established through enacting flow (inception towards death). Whenever you breathe; you respond to be within the constitution.
the Freemasons that gave us our perception
Perception represents impressed inspiration upon perceiving senses...not suggested information by others; who gain the power to shape (mason) the "free" will of choice of those consenting to their suggestions.
To chose suggested information (want) represents ignoring perceived inspiration (need). This behavior tempts others to exploit ignorance of perceived (reality) with suggested (fiction); which requires consent by free will of choice, and so narratives have to be shaped through suggestion to trick the many into choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law.
the USA
Temporary form (life) within ongoing flow (inception towards death) represents a "DIVIDED STATE". The parasitic few suggest "united" states; "united" nations and european "union" to mix the differences back together; hence to corrupt perceivable inspiration; communicated to senses as moving differences. What the many ignore is that UNITY (unitas; the state of being one; oneness) implies differentiation (form) out of sameness (flow).
"free" will of choice as the responding center of perceivable "dom"inance of balance aka free-dom aka free choice to live within the dominating process of dying aka temporary growth within ongoing loss.
The parasitic few suggest humans over animals; while the many ignore HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] + AN'IMAL, noun [Latin animal from anima, air, breath, soul.] aka being animated (animal) form (human).
PRODUC (produced) -TION (through action), hence being a reaction out of NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced]. A RE(response to) ACTION cannot produce; only RE(respond to) PRODUCE (being produced). What does reproduction imply? and what does the want to produce lead to? Replacement Migration. Why? Ignorance of reproduction for suggested temptations...
can they take the freedom away
Each one represents free (choice) within dom (balance) of natural law even when ignored. What others can take away are the consented to liberties under the laws of men.
the master of his own destiny
That represents the host weakness that is being parasitically exploited aka your want for destination; while ignoring that living isn't outcome oriented (hence processed from inception towards death aka dying); but a response (choice) to origin (balance) aka the struggle (need) to resist temptation (want).
Your want for outcomes is what allows the parasitic few to lure you to follow suggestions towards death; while you ignore to resist for the sustenance of life.
Human history is full of examples of a ruling class controlling their subjects
Being subjected to suggested his-story implies ignoring ONEs story as the perceiving within ALL perceivable.
did our perception change?
One (life) exists within constant change (inception towards death); hence perceiving constantly changing differences as inspiration to sustain self. Others suggest sameness like for example "Let us realize, oh, that a change can only come"..."When we stand together as one"..."We are the world, we are the children"
what if our understanding of God was also given to us
RELIGION, noun (Latin religio) - "to bind anew" aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; in ignorance of the original bond aka perceivable balance (offer) to perceiving choice (response) natural law.
"in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti" aka one consents to stand under (understanding) those who suggest "in the name of" (in nomine). That's contract law aka ignorance of perceived inspiration (need) for suggested information (want) aka ones choice of want over need.
To "stand under" suggested rights represents being at liberty of others; caused by consenting to their suggestions.
CONSTITU (to set; to establish) -TION (through action)...form (life) represents the reaction established through enacting flow (inception towards death). Whenever you breathe; you respond to be within the constitution.
Perception represents impressed inspiration upon perceiving senses...not suggested information by others; who gain the power to shape (mason) the "free" will of choice of those consenting to their suggestions.
To chose suggested information (want) represents ignoring perceived inspiration (need). This behavior tempts others to exploit ignorance of perceived (reality) with suggested (fiction); which requires consent by free will of choice, and so narratives have to be shaped through suggestion to trick the many into choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law.
Temporary form (life) within ongoing flow (inception towards death) represents a "DIVIDED STATE". The parasitic few suggest "united" states; "united" nations and european "union" to mix the differences back together; hence to corrupt perceivable inspiration; communicated to senses as moving differences. What the many ignore is that UNITY (unitas; the state of being one; oneness) implies differentiation (form) out of sameness (flow).
"free" will of choice as the responding center of perceivable "dom"inance of balance aka free-dom aka free choice to live within the dominating process of dying aka temporary growth within ongoing loss.
The parasitic few suggest humans over animals; while the many ignore HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] + AN'IMAL, noun [Latin animal from anima, air, breath, soul.] aka being animated (animal) form (human).
PRODUC (produced) -TION (through action), hence being a reaction out of NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced]. A RE(response to) ACTION cannot produce; only RE(respond to) PRODUCE (being produced). What does reproduction imply? and what does the want to produce lead to? Replacement Migration. Why? Ignorance of reproduction for suggested temptations...
Each one represents free (choice) within dom (balance) of natural law even when ignored. What others can take away are the consented to liberties under the laws of men.
That represents the host weakness that is being parasitically exploited aka your want for destination; while ignoring that living isn't outcome oriented (hence processed from inception towards death aka dying); but a response (choice) to origin (balance) aka the struggle (need) to resist temptation (want).
Your want for outcomes is what allows the parasitic few to lure you to follow suggestions towards death; while you ignore to resist for the sustenance of life.
Being subjected to suggested his-story implies ignoring ONEs story as the perceiving within ALL perceivable.
One (life) exists within constant change (inception towards death); hence perceiving constantly changing differences as inspiration to sustain self. Others suggest sameness like for example "Let us realize, oh, that a change can only come"..."When we stand together as one"..."We are the world, we are the children"
RELIGION, noun (Latin religio) - "to bind anew" aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; in ignorance of the original bond aka perceivable balance (offer) to perceiving choice (response) natural law.
"in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti" aka one consents to stand under (understanding) those who suggest "in the name of" (in nomine). That's contract law aka ignorance of perceived inspiration (need) for suggested information (want) aka ones choice of want over need.