posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +5 / -4

And I meant the very same scenario that led to the end of Russia, Germany, China and Cambodia to ZIONISTS.

That is the USA will either become a Dictatorship or wasteland after this.

  1. USA loses the bet against Russia in Ukraine, public trust collapses in front of Biden and co.
  2. Anti-war protests begin, which get hijacked by Antifa killers who hack and kill people as they please, far-right counter protests degenerate the whole situation into a near-civil-war 2.1. National Guard ordered to stand down by CIA infiltrators
  3. The protests quickly degenerate into an insane far-left vs far-right killer rampage and far-left killers storm the White House and the Capitol, killing every political figure that did not run beforehand (Expect Trump and Musk to flee all the way to England while Biden sits there and gets killed
  4. Second American Civil War -- whole nation is divided into 4 apartheid warlord states ran by warlords who kill and rape as they please. LGBT people and degenerate far-leftists in Blue States are sent to concentration camps and purged. Conservatives, Christians and Patriots in Blue States are indiscriminately placed into struggle sessions then murdered on-spot. If you are an Christian and speak against your Blue State warlord, or vice versa if you are a communist, you will die instantly.
  5. Death lists will be used to search out people to kill. Don't worry, Meta, Google, Microsoft and Twitter already have the lists. And you can bet that Gab, DuckDuckGo, Yandex etc have them too (Yandex is Russian). If you are in the list, they will search you out and get you killed, no questions asked.
  6. Because this is a CIVIL WAR, Starvation and fighting for the Midwestern Grain Belt takes place. People begin to collapse and get reduced to bones in their homes. And California's state speculates food for "war rations" -- only 3% of these were given to local militia.
  7. A fifth warlord state takes over the warring states and transforms America into a Nationalist Dictatorship
  8. Around the same time where the dictatorship takes place, Taiwan begins "Purge of KMT/CCP agents because Academi was ordered to assassinate the president. THIS IS A MASS EXTERMINATION PROGRAM -- if you are in there, you have a high chance to be sent to a camp and executed. They do not need any proof because "an innocent kill is better than missing a the real spies."
  9. The Nationalist Dictatorship instantly orders mass executions of former officials of the warlord states -- then to every survivor who sympathized with them. Anyone suspected of being a Russian spy or a Chinese expat is considered subhuman and exterminated. LGBT are also considered subhuman and will be promptly exterminated (with the exception of the revolutionary dictator -- who has a high chance of being Homosexual or Bi, because these secret societies DO). the extermination will be in the form of exiling into the Arizona Desert, Floridian Swamps or concentration camps -- The former 2 are locations known to be too harsh for humans to sustain themselves on. Especially Neo Americanus. The latter is self explanatory
  10. China enters Taiwan and intervenes because of the mass exterminations occurring there. This triggers a series of invasions from America against China and Europe against Russia.
  11. WW3 begins -- I do not expect a military "superpower" who runs out of shells bombing Libya, whose industries rely on China, fuel all rely on Russia, yield F-35 jets by Lockheed Martin known as "Flying Turkeys" (Russians also designed the hangars) and military equipment unfit for all-out war to win World War III. A nuke can drop in Portland, Oregon or the Western parts of China, but that's about it.
  12. UN Blue Helmets begin to swarm in and occupy the USA alongside PLA Garrisons and Spetznaz, committing mass purges, rapes and atrocities against Americans. Local Hell's Angels/Mexican Gangs/former Islamic terrorists come in and help for the sake of revenge.
  13. America will be subjugated under a UN puppet Dictatorship...and thus the beginning of the New World Order. And remember. When Americans degrade to the level of "bug-men" universally, Metaverse VR Pods, Social Credits Scores, universal contact tracing/masking/vaccination, real ID computer access, massive book burnings under tech giants, and advisors following you everywhere and deciding your life and your fate for you follow suit.

Yeah, for most people I talked to, including Anti-vaxxers and 4chan/Kiwifarms type people, this is treated as nothing but a JOKE. But all you need is to look at written history to understand where they are going for -- and the game is UNDECIPHERABLE without looking at the past.