There are theories that current financial system based on usury periodically needs war or other severe crisises to dump excess money usury created.
So, creating a war, elites get rid of money to start another cycle of milking population through usury.
But there definitely exists much more soft ways of getting rid of excess money. For example - space. It is infinite. You could throw infinite amount of money into it without killing a lot of humans and without sending much more into misery. Build spaceships, send them to another planets, buld space stations, moon bases and other stuff. It will be even very useful, even just because many new technologies will be soak back to regular life. And it will look much more pleasant for population than doing same by building tanks, ships and planes and then destroying them in wars.
So why elites don't want to resolve the basic defects of their stupid ususry milking system by peaceful and much less harmful way?
Elites just like to kill people.
Dumping Excess Money usury created? What excess money? There is no excess money - wars are financed through debt. Wars are complicated things that are seldom attributed to a single factor; instead there is often a multitude of factors.
In general, modern wars are attributed to two factors (1) Creation of debt. With every war debt is generated and as such the financial banks that run the world become stronger and stronger - slowly siphoning off the assets of the population to their coffers. (2) Wars for Israel. In general, modern wars are aimed to directly benefit Israel or to weaken all other nations so that Israel may further advance upon the world stage.
What is "debt"? It is elites "printing" money that backed with nothing. To prevent uncontrolled inflation elites force people to produce something unnecessary and very expencive. F.e. weaponry. If there is too many unused weaponry where elites debt is hidden, then there inevitably one simple question rises up - why we need more weaponry if we already have more than enough unused? So elites need to utilize weaponry (and other assets) from time to time to have a reason to build new one, dumping money AKA elites debt into weaponry. That is how they evade overproduction problem.
"Printing" money AKA elite debts, elites do via usury system, AKA banks giving out loans.
According to that theory, usury economics have to continously grow to utilise all that money AKA elite debts without consequences. So, either you need to periodically trash produced goods to reset the stage, either expand out of planet to infinite universe. Elites choose first way.
I'm not insisting that it is the only true theory. But it exists and decently describe modern world economics.
This theory is ridiculously idiotic.