What is the real percentage of the black population in the US? While I accept that they're over-represented in the media, I do not accept the stats that say they are only 13-15% of the population. They have to be two to three times that for all the complaining I hear on .win and 4chan about how they've taken over the cities and are spreading out.
Incidentally, I swear I see far fewer Mexicans than I used to.
You should read Rachael A. Wolfdorf's White Flight / Black Flight: The Dynamics of Racial Change in an American Neighborhood (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2011).
This describes how first mover immigrants assimilate but as more arrive, assimilation reduces. White people leave but the first movers stay. And they end up hating the later arrivals.
Here's a 17m video about it