Look into his past, who his mom was. How he came on the scene, as a “community organizer” from Chicago that nobody in Chicago really knew, a one-term senator, his big speech that year at the DNC that he was elected as senator, how every socialist progressive college professor i knew at the time played that speech, and said verbatim, “I think you’re looking at the First black President, here! Wow!” How he got a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing, then continued on the bush wars, started several new ones, killed more innocents via drone strikes (including a doctors without Borders hospital) than you can imagine, then buddies up to the Bush’s...
It seems he was a neocon CIA plant and was there to usurp Killary, not even she Probably knows... but his path was being laid out before him in a Truman Show Kind of way by a bunch of well-connected elites.
I’m not even touching on the issue of his wife’s dick and his fake birth certificate, or the gay guy that claims they smoked crack/did coke and sucked each other off... that’s a different story altogether...
BHO was what I call a "simulant", with parts of his life real, and part Intel creation. The manufactured part was far larger in Obama than most.
That Frank Marshall Davis was "secretly" his "real" father was a part of the legend. They look nothing alike. Obama's biological father was Muhammad Subuh, founder of the Subud cult of Indonesia. Take a look a pics of him as a young man and he's a dead-ass ringer.
Loretta Fuddy, the State of Hawaii official who finally "produced" his birth certificate, was the highest-ranking American member of the Subud. Remember when she was the sole victim of that small plane crash?
And that brings up Stanley Ann Dunham, CIA and a member of Subud of course. Her actual name was almost certainly Ann Stanley Dunham. That links her to the Stanley family, which includes people like the Governor General of Canada the Stanley Cup is named after, to John Lennon's mother, to the "Dr. Livingstone, I presume" guy, and many others. See the work of Miles Mathis for more.