These are all suggested labels with an attached idolized meaning defined only by those suggesting them.
Yahweh aka YHWH aka Yod Heh Waw Heh aka tetragramaton aka the unspoken word aka vowel (from vow - "to give"). So what's that all about? Breathing aka adaptation as form (life) to flow (inception towards death). Try it out...YOD (belly) to HEH (chest) to WAW (lung) HEH (and out it goes).
LU'CIFER, noun [Latin lux, lucis, light, and fero, to bring.] aka flow to form communication. Adapt to it and you get enlightenment (enlighten the mind) aka comprehension of perceived source of light.
SA'TAN, noun [Hebrew -"an adversary"] from AD (to) VERSUS (turn) aka from velocity (flow) towards resistance (form).
DEV'IL; noun (Latin diabolus; Irish diabhail); from DIA; DI; DE (away from) + BHAL (air) aka form ignoring flow.
These are all suggested labels with an attached idolized meaning defined only by those suggesting them.
Yahweh aka YHWH aka Yod Heh Waw Heh aka tetragramaton aka the unspoken word aka vowel (from vow - "to give"). So what's that all about? Breathing aka adaptation as form (life) to flow (inception towards death). Try it out...YOD (belly) to HEH (chest) to WAW (lung) HEH (and out it goes).
LU'CIFER, noun [Latin lux, lucis, light, and fero, to bring.] aka flow to form communication. Adapt to it and you get enlightenment (enlighten the mind) aka comprehension of perceived source of light.
SA'TAN, noun [Hebrew -"an adversary"] from AD (to) VERSUS (turn) aka from velocity (flow) towards resistance (form).
DEV'IL; noun (Latin diabolus; Irish diabhail); from DIA; DI; DE (away from) + BHAL (air) aka form ignoring flow.