posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +16 / -2

It's actually scary that every local treats this "fifth wave" in Hong Kong as a pandemic instead of a coordinated plan to take the spoils for the Great Reset. Media keeps telling us there is a pandemic. If I don't wear a mask, passerby treat me like vermin.


  • I am 99.9% sure that the hospital beds are taken away to "create shortages" or they just flood the hospitals with infectees
  • There are no samples for a virus called "covid-19"
  • The PCR tests are Russian roulettes that allow reality warping
  • The "Asymptomatic cases" means the globalists can control your fate wherever they like.

By this point, I realized it. In a local spectrum, I am completely powerless and can only laugh at how puny my existence is in front of mass formation psychosis and fate.

And the only reason why no human being I ran into personally is in this level of despair and could maintain their cheery optimism is because they do not see what is in store for them. I DID NOT encounter more than 10 locals who do.

I bet that if they all saw what awaits them, since there is no way to stop the total control from happening, they will just resign to humanist nihilism and pure fatalism, and they will accept the submergence.