Crazy Rusky has a point. It could be used for good in the hands of someone with good intentions. You could edit out hereditary diseases, save children's lives. However, medicine and tech in the hands of these billionaires is never going to be in the best interest of the people at large.
Crazy Rusky has a point. It could be used for good in the hands of someone with good intentions. You could edit out hereditary diseases, save children's lives. However, medicine and tech in the hands of these billionaires is never going to be in the best interest of the people at large.
Who told you that? Why do you so underestimate humans?
Isn't it a core purpose of a human being - to decide what is good and what is bad and do what is good and not do what is bad?
Denying technology never worked out. You could find numerous examples of communities that denied technology and none of that communities is a winner.
I like KISS principle and follow it where possible. I see no need in many novelties too. But I slightly more optimistic about humans. :)