posted ago by JohnPaluska ago by JohnPaluska +18 / -1

Klaus Schwab.

This is the man running the World Economic Forum, whose graduates have invented Facebook, YouTube, Telegram, Wikipedia, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, and Apple, among other organizations.

He said in a 2016 interview that, in 10 years (2026), he wants everyone to be chipped. He calls it "transhumanism" and says first people will chip their clothes, then their skin, then their brains:


The World Economic Forum was behind the 2020 election vote rigging for Biden. They had 10,000 activists working to register pro-Biden voters and inflate the ballots with democrat voters in key swing states to get Biden in office. Additionally, they were behind many of the "get out the vote" measures and some of the changed laws that mailed out absentee ballots to all voters.

Smartmatic, the company that made the ballot machines used in the 2020 elections, is also a World Economic Forum partner:


One of his most recent graduates is the editor in chief of Reuters and many former graduates work at CNN and Fox Business and Fox News as commentators and show hosts.

His organization also is partnered with Verizon, NBC, Disney, Coca Cola, and AT&T.

He bragged that Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, Justin Trudeau, Emanuel Macron, and the President of Agentina in addition to many other people, are in his pocket in an interview with the Kennedy School at Harvard, which, also, is partnered with the World Economic forum:


He also said in 2021 at the Kennedy Center for Politics that he has had an interest in geopolitics for years.

His stated goal in the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to remake the world where businesses run everything, governments are displaced, and consumers will be forced to make due. He is also famously credited with saying in 2020, under the Fourth Industrial Revolution, nobody will own anything except businesses and they will be happy:


Peter Thiel, one of his graduates, is currently testing (in Thiel's words) "communist totalitarian technology" that he created that scans everyone's face and finds people, identifying where they are at a moment's notice. This is being used IN UKRAINE right now to "fight" the Russians. It is also being used in the United States, but is being sued by privacy advocates:


Pete Buttigieg and Tulsi Gabbard are also recent graduates of his program. And in 2017, before Biden spoke at the World Economic Forum meeting, Klaus slipped and almost called him the 47th President of the United States.

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