The vaccines are majorly used to lull you into a false sense of security. The MSM spreading fear, the mandatory masks, the forced poverty and the indefinite lockdowns is going to kill way more in the long run through depression and suicides. And the loss of identity that follows AFTER the end of the scamdemic.
Think that vaccines will kill 7M in a decade. The rest combined will kill 3.5 billion in the same period.
They give tens of them to children, leaving them permanently damaged for life. As long as you don't inject you are safe. Will it take a year or 35 years for your body to drop the fight and give up, dependsnon efforts do detox this shit.
In any case, the moment you inject the cycle starts, it's POISON.
Vacca-juice is the "virus". As long as you don't inject it there is no danger.
The vaccines are majorly used to lull you into a false sense of security. The MSM spreading fear, the mandatory masks, the forced poverty and the indefinite lockdowns is going to kill way more in the long run through depression and suicides. And the loss of identity that follows AFTER the end of the scamdemic.
Think that vaccines will kill 7M in a decade. The rest combined will kill 3.5 billion in the same period.
They give tens of them to children, leaving them permanently damaged for life. As long as you don't inject you are safe. Will it take a year or 35 years for your body to drop the fight and give up, dependsnon efforts do detox this shit. In any case, the moment you inject the cycle starts, it's POISON.