posted ago by alltheleavesarebrown ago by alltheleavesarebrown +18 / -1

Is this is a troll or an actual stupid normie in the wild? I can see why the elites despise the mass of humanity.

Shenzhen has something called a location code. You want to get into a building, take a subway train or go take a coronavirus test, you have to scan this code. Fine.

No, not so fine.

The Guangdong Health Code for residents of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and foreigners does NOT support scanning of the location code.

What does this mean?

It means that you, hapless foreigner, who may have lived and paid taxes in SZ for 10 years, cannot get into the subway, cannot enter many buildings, will get kicked out of line when trying to get a free coronavirus test. Even if your Guangdong Health Code shows you get a coronavirus test every freaking day! Even if you can prove you got their vaccines and take tests, no way.

It has happened to me and many others.

Indeed, I could not get into my own apartment once. Now more and more people are writing about it online because it is fucking crazy that Shenzhen will not even try to fix this. Every day it's a goddamn battle for me to get a coronavirus test because some nurse will try to scan my code and I will have to try to tell her it doesn't work because I am not from China, and she'll just lead me out of line so the real people can get their tests.

Now, the reasonable thing for a foreigner to do is to show the Guangdong Health Code, which I do. I show the code, I show I get a test every day. It shows this. It does not matter. They push you out of line. You have to keep making a commotion and then some minor big shot will come along, look at your Guangdong Health Code, and let you back in line.

You literally have to fight in Shenzhen if you are a foreigner to get a coronavirus test!

Folks, I have to do this EVERY day. They won't fix the system, they won't send word around to security guards or coronavirus testing areas that the problem exists. It's just anther inconvenience you face because you are a foreigner, I am assuming.

Finally the subway has realized that folks from HK, Macau, Taiwan and "foreigners" cannot get basic services because of a FLAW IN THE SYSTEM created by the Shenzhen government. You can show your Guangdong Health code in the subway and gain access to the subway. Not so for every other place.

I truly pray that the SZ local government tries to do more to be of humanitarian assistance to its foreigners. We pay 1/3 of the taxes in SZ, and we can't even get corona virus tests unless we cause a scene!

Here's proof that this situation exists. The article says you can now get on the subway without the code scan, but does not say anything about getting into other necessary places: What to do if can't scan location code for public transport_www.newsgd.com

(If you have your VPN on, you won't be able to read the article)