posted ago by TurnToGodNow ago by TurnToGodNow +23 / -2

I'm starting to think this is already transhuman tech itself rather than direct depop. A few reasons:

  1. Some (not a lot but some) fairly high level puppets are taking the shots and getting injured. People who are likely involved in the occult world such as Justin Beiber's wife who recently got a blood clot and other celebrities / media personalities. Why take the risk if they are in the know? Are they seeking transhumanism? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hailey-bieber-blood-clot-brain-hospitalized_n_622d11a4e4b0e01d97ac09d1

  2. Multiple findings of graphene in the shots which has been linked to some mind interface (mind control) tech / research . Work by Dr Pablo Campra and Dr Tess Lawrie's company EbMC2 CIC analysis (presented by Dr. Rob Verkerk) found chemical evidence of graphene.
    https://revistapesquisa.fapesp.br/es/una-llave-para-entrar-al-cerebro/ https://www.anhinternational.org/news/is-there-graphene-in-the-jabs/ https://odysee.com/JabFindings:768c7521416f2da918be062eda227e4c128e2324

  3. 5G is rolling out at the same time as this whole Covid-19 + vaccine nonsense. Why do they need 100x more bandwidth so badly? If they are going to be manipulating humans this could be a bandwidth intensive process requiring large amounts of input and output.

If this is the case they will likely "depop" by turning the mind controlled NPCs on us first, then having most of the rest die off randomly at their discretion. Hard to say, and hopefully mind control tech wasn't in every vial or was just experimental to see how people cope with the raw material itself.

Perhaps we should develop some emf weapons to fry their circuits?