Logos (words) used by corporations (corpus orations aka the whisper of the dead) for incorporated (those consenting to be within the whisper of the dead) aka those who consent to suggested words; while ignoring perceived sound; hence being within ignorance aka within a memory (mind) filled with suggested words (ego).
Guess what those in ignorance are lacking? Comprehension aka illumination.
all seeing eye
"seeing" already implies the eyes; so it's the ALL (flow) seeing (perceiving) I (form); and adaptation to ALL perceived grows ONEs comprehension thereof; which is why the ALL seeing I represents illumination.
Central - As form (life) within the momentum (balance) of flow (inception towards death); it's choice that represents the center of existence within balance.
INTEL'LIGENCE, noun [Latin intelligentia, from intelligo, to understand.] aka forms comprehension of all perceived flow.
A'GENCY, noun [Latin agens.] - "the state of being in action" aka flow as the acting agent causing form as the responding agent.
See Eye ALL
"See" as in the question of comprehension (need over want) or ignorance (want over need) for choice.
"I" (not eye; since seeing implies the eyes) as in the form wielding the responding choice within all balance.
"ALL" as in ALL flow (balance) for the ONE form (choice) within.
Logos (words) used by corporations (corpus orations aka the whisper of the dead) for incorporated (those consenting to be within the whisper of the dead) aka those who consent to suggested words; while ignoring perceived sound; hence being within ignorance aka within a memory (mind) filled with suggested words (ego).
Guess what those in ignorance are lacking? Comprehension aka illumination.
"seeing" already implies the eyes; so it's the ALL (flow) seeing (perceiving) I (form); and adaptation to ALL perceived grows ONEs comprehension thereof; which is why the ALL seeing I represents illumination.
Now you're making me wonder.
Central - As form (life) within the momentum (balance) of flow (inception towards death); it's choice that represents the center of existence within balance.
INTEL'LIGENCE, noun [Latin intelligentia, from intelligo, to understand.] aka forms comprehension of all perceived flow.
A'GENCY, noun [Latin agens.] - "the state of being in action" aka flow as the acting agent causing form as the responding agent.
"See" as in the question of comprehension (need over want) or ignorance (want over need) for choice.
"I" (not eye; since seeing implies the eyes) as in the form wielding the responding choice within all balance.
"ALL" as in ALL flow (balance) for the ONE form (choice) within.