As far as I know, the only place left where the Great Reset is working WITHOUT FAIL is Hong Kong. Not China.
You will have to thank Xi Jinping and Klaus Schwab for that.
They will just keep tightening the restrictions to "Fight Covid 19" until the whole city turns into a slum.
In times like these, hope and life mean nothing compared to the TRUTH. Hope is a lie that deceives and averts.
The only thing that matters is when masses of people take action to save themselves from plebian politicians. Not that it will happen or anyone will care. Those who actually care are outnumbered 1 to 999.
If you can imagine Mother 3 but the end of the story is "Lucas and co. bows down to Pokey as he becomes God over the ignorant masses of New Pork City and the rest of the world gone", you can imagine how Hong Kong will end up as.
A story that has happened after Pol Pot or Stalin, and will come both here and America.
Life needs to be sustained within the moment right now; hope ignores that for outcomes. Others suggest outcomes to incite hope and fear in all those who consent to ignore the momentum of life for being tempted towards death.
Truth implies "versus" lie; a conflict (imbalance) caused by ignoring momentum (balance). How? Consenting to any suggestion by others implies the choice to want or not want it...this represents the ignorance of need (balance) for want (imbalance) and results in wanting "versus" not wanting among all those who consent to the same suggestion.
The parasitic few who make all suggestions (-ism) are doing this to divide the ignorant many into conflicts; they call these conflicts "reason"; they rebrand the initial choice (want vs not want) into true vs false; good vs evil; believing vs not believing; left vs right; feminism vs patriarchy; Christian vs Muslim; us vs them; nationalism vs internationalism; Pepsi vs Coke; NBA vs NFL; vanilla vs chocolate etc. and the maintain all these differently branded conflicts (reasoning) over the same choice towards suggestion (want or not want) by keep suggesting contradictions to both sides (talmudic reasoning); as to keep them going at each other.
Truth isn't a natural state; but your choice of "wanting" what others suggest; which puts you against all those who choose to "not want" what others suggest. You are being tricked to ignore your choice of want vs not want for the suggested brands "true vs false". Notice that whatever you call "true" will be effortlessly contradicted by those you call liars. Change sides within any conflict of reason and simply contradict whatever the other side believes to be true.
Reasoning (want vs not want) isn't about winning arguments; it's about maintaining the ignorance of perceived balance (need/want) within suggested imbalance (want vs not want) aka a fictitious conflict within an ignored reality.
True, true [true:false] but the hypothetical allegory of the perceived conflict [con being the the conjugation of anything flicked] only suggests that the outcome will inevitably lead to the flatulence of the masses in the wading pool of the origins [note: more than one letter off from organs!] of life!!!
Neither. True vs false implies the rebrand of want vs not want; hence a suggested imbalance caused by consent to ignore perceived balance (need/want).
HYPOTHET'ICALLY, adverb - "by way of supposition; conditionally"...ones condition as choice within balance implies being subjected to it; yet with the choice to ignore it. This ignorance represents the temptation (want) to ignore responsibility (need).
Conflict (imbalance) implies want vs not want choice causing it when consenting to a suggestion; which in return implies ignoring the perceived balance (need/want). Before one can choose to want or not want any suggestion; one responds as choice to balance (need or want) under natural law.
In perceives balance; yet ignoring it (want over need); not only causes imbalance (conflict) but also corrupts ones comprehension of all perceived with the suggestions from others.
Conjugation (coming together; pairing) ignores that flow (inception towards death) segregates itself into different form (life) to allow temporary growth (form) within ongoing loss (flow). Flickering (fluctuation) implies being the formed choice within the momentum (balance) of flow. In other words...flow implies one direction (inception towards death); while the momentum thereof allows form (life) the temporary choice of direction until being transmuted back to flow (inception towards death).
The parasitic few use the "conjugation of anything flicked" to deceive the ignorant many to come together (unity; equality; globalism; "united" nations; european "union"; internationalism; free market capitalism; one world government; we are the world; we are the people etc.) all to deceive each of the many from comprehending being U'NITY, noun [Latin unitas.] - "the state of being one; oneness" aka being ONE (form) within ALL (flow); which implies the ONEness of ALL (flow/form aka loss/growth aka the internal balance of energy).
In simpler terms...going with the flow (inception towards death) instead of being the resisting form (life) within. Also; being transmuted back to base aka flow to form (inception); form within flow (life), and form to flow (death). The parasitic few utilize alchemy while dissolving the ignorant many back to base; and the many consent to all of that; while lacking the comprehension that they destroy themselves when consenting to the suggestions of others.
The origin implies EN'ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] - "internal or inherent power" aka ongoing movement (flow) in balance (momentum) with temporary resistance (form).
a) no coincidences exist within energy (ONEness of ALL).
b) OR'GAN, noun [Latin organum; Gr.] - "a natural instrument of action or operation, or by which some process is carried on". What the many lack to comprehend is that flow represents the source of action (balance); while form represents the reaction to it (choice).
The parasitic few use choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) contract law to deceive the many to ignore balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law. The main tool they use for suggestion (besides free will of choice) represents the suggested word over the perceived sound aka spell-craft (crafting the spelling of the many through suggestion of idolized meaning).