We got "X marks the spot" from SPOT, noun - "mark made by foreign matter"; which represents the suggestion of other (foreign) form (matter); and "two" Xs implies counting by choice; while ignoring ONEness (no such thing as two in perceivable nature; only ONEs with the choice to count all other ONEs).
In short...suggestion and ignorance aka allegory for choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) contract law; which is in ignorance of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
Well; I spend some quality moments over the last couple of days with a Stihl chainsaw from the 90s; while harvesting the fruits of a persistent storm (lots of fallen trees). Deal of the day...I got me some wood.
Normal aka according to rule aka relating to elements; hence LAW (Land Air Water). The moving law doesn't communicate suggested words. Talking implies person to person interchange; yet person (by sound) implies in response to source of sound as the choice based resonance (need) or dissonance (want).
Sleight of hand: Dr. Alban - 'look who's talking now'..."He said some nasty things about I and i"..."He even said some nasty things about everyone"..."Me no like the way him chat"..."I say me no like the way him go"..."That's why me said to him"..."Look who's talking shut your mouth". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1dk78L0XzI
Like who is this character
a) every question about "who" implies the ONE within ALL; the form within flow; the choice within balance; the growth within loss; the temporary within the ongoing; the transmuted out of base; the potential out of potentiality; the magnetic within the electric: the reaction to the source of action; the evaluation within value and so on.
b) CHARACT, noun -"an inscription" + CHARACTER, noun - "a mark made". Ask yourself why you want to characterize others; when you need to express self? The parasites suggest the written narrative; within which you are being deceived to play in the name of the inscribed characters aka as the incorporated (corpus oration aka whisper of the death); hence marked for death.
I'd like to see something like his instagram.
a) I resist the temptation of suggested social media for responsibility to the perceived uniqueness as the ONE within ALL. Also; "media" from ME'DIATE, adjective [Latin medius, middle.] - "being between the two extremes" implies being choice within balance. Suggestion (by the choice of others) represents the parasitic imbalance to the perceived balance one needs to respond to.
b) IN'STANT, adjective [Latin instans, insto.] - "pressing; urgent; importunate; earnest" aka responsibility of form to resist the velocity of flow. + GRAM, adjective - "angry" aka the temptation to fall for suggested EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.]
it's like he fucked himself up reading too many out there books.
Why then do I not constantly quote others or suggest books? Book (from Latin liber aka free; not restricted) is being utilized for the exact opposite...felons are being "booked"; just like the written word "books" you into choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) contract law; hence religion (from religio - "to bind anew"). This is how the parasitic few are "spell-bounding" the ignorant many. Physical contracts are also signed in "curse-ive"; hence one cursing oneself when signing on the dotted line. What's the dotted line? Remember asking me about the use of (...)? There ya go...the ongoing (flow) for the temporary (form).
The shit I'm talking about has zilch to do with book knowledge; it's simply expressed comprehension drawn by choice out of perceived inspiration; which requires less restricted (by ignorance) free will of choice, so that's all I'm doing...resisting ignorance (want over need); while struggling to be responsible (need over want).
It's not me who is fucking "up"; it's all the others willingly ignoring to grow themselves.
Now when he looks at an object he goes into yoga meditation mode.
a) I resist the temptation of suggested objects for the adaption to inspiration I get from everything perceived being "subjected" (form) by the objective (flow). It's you who choose to objectify; while ignoring that choice implies being the subject of balance.
b) meditation (once again from medius - "middle") implies ones status quo as choice within balance. Mediation as suggested represents ignorance of body (outside) for mind (inside)...that's imbalance. Buddhism suggests mediation (aiming inwards) to escape samsara (outside temptation) as to find oneself; yet propagates inwards mediation as the path to follow; instead of following the outside temptations. The issue with both is that life "following" anything implies towards death.
Therefore...neither the temptation of following inwards (mind); nor the temptation to follow outwards (body) are needed; what's needed is balancing in-between (as the responding choice); not seeking outcomes; while following the suggestions of parasites selling them.
Sees other dimensions of the whatever it is he's analyzing.
DIMENSION, noun [Latin, to measure.]; also DEMON; from dai-mon- "divider, provider". Flow causes momentum; which divides (demon) into form with responding choice to measure (dimension).
Other "dimensions" represents the choices of others, and AN'ALYZE, verb transitive [Gr. analysis.] - "to resolve a body into its elements; to separate a compound subject into its parts or propositions" already happened when ALL (flow) self segregated into ONE (form).
I represent the EL'EMENT, noun [Latin elementus.] - "the first or constituent principle or minutest part or any thing aka the ingredient". I represent the "EL that ments"; the ONE transmuted element out of base ALL (energy)...and so do you.
Meanwhile.. what's this guy do on a Friday night.
Trying as quietly as possible to get some friction with the wife going; without waking the kids up...
Who is this guy?
GUY, noun - "in marine affairs, a rope used to keep a heavy body steady while hoisting or lowering". I don't like being kept bound; so I adapt to the natural bond instead (balance/choice).
what's he do to pay the bills
BILL, noun - "in law, a declaration in writing, expressing some wrong the complainant has suffered from the defendant, or a fault committed by some person against a law."
Bills are for those consenting to conflicts; hence constantly at fault against suggested laws of men. I represent the highest value (evaluation); which implies being the response-ability to natural law.
PAY, verb transitive - "to discharge a debt"
I represent the highest value that is being charged (form) by liquidity (flow). I resist the temptation to fall for suggested contracts (debts) by others trying to harvest my charge (potential).
compared to the larvals.
Let's just say: "this is just a punk rock song"..."written for the people who can see something's wrong"..."like ants in a colony we do our share"..."but there's so many other fuckin' insects out there".
We got "X marks the spot" from SPOT, noun - "mark made by foreign matter"; which represents the suggestion of other (foreign) form (matter); and "two" Xs implies counting by choice; while ignoring ONEness (no such thing as two in perceivable nature; only ONEs with the choice to count all other ONEs).
In short...suggestion and ignorance aka allegory for choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) contract law; which is in ignorance of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
Well; I spend some quality moments over the last couple of days with a Stihl chainsaw from the 90s; while harvesting the fruits of a persistent storm (lots of fallen trees). Deal of the day...I got me some wood.
Normal aka according to rule aka relating to elements; hence LAW (Land Air Water). The moving law doesn't communicate suggested words. Talking implies person to person interchange; yet person (by sound) implies in response to source of sound as the choice based resonance (need) or dissonance (want).
Sleight of hand: Dr. Alban - 'look who's talking now'..."He said some nasty things about I and i"..."He even said some nasty things about everyone"..."Me no like the way him chat"..."I say me no like the way him go"..."That's why me said to him"..."Look who's talking shut your mouth". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1dk78L0XzI
a) every question about "who" implies the ONE within ALL; the form within flow; the choice within balance; the growth within loss; the temporary within the ongoing; the transmuted out of base; the potential out of potentiality; the magnetic within the electric: the reaction to the source of action; the evaluation within value and so on.
b) CHARACT, noun -"an inscription" + CHARACTER, noun - "a mark made". Ask yourself why you want to characterize others; when you need to express self? The parasites suggest the written narrative; within which you are being deceived to play in the name of the inscribed characters aka as the incorporated (corpus oration aka whisper of the death); hence marked for death.
a) I resist the temptation of suggested social media for responsibility to the perceived uniqueness as the ONE within ALL. Also; "media" from ME'DIATE, adjective [Latin medius, middle.] - "being between the two extremes" implies being choice within balance. Suggestion (by the choice of others) represents the parasitic imbalance to the perceived balance one needs to respond to.
b) IN'STANT, adjective [Latin instans, insto.] - "pressing; urgent; importunate; earnest" aka responsibility of form to resist the velocity of flow. + GRAM, adjective - "angry" aka the temptation to fall for suggested EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.]
Why then do I not constantly quote others or suggest books? Book (from Latin liber aka free; not restricted) is being utilized for the exact opposite...felons are being "booked"; just like the written word "books" you into choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) contract law; hence religion (from religio - "to bind anew"). This is how the parasitic few are "spell-bounding" the ignorant many. Physical contracts are also signed in "curse-ive"; hence one cursing oneself when signing on the dotted line. What's the dotted line? Remember asking me about the use of (...)? There ya go...the ongoing (flow) for the temporary (form).
The shit I'm talking about has zilch to do with book knowledge; it's simply expressed comprehension drawn by choice out of perceived inspiration; which requires less restricted (by ignorance) free will of choice, so that's all I'm doing...resisting ignorance (want over need); while struggling to be responsible (need over want).
It's not me who is fucking "up"; it's all the others willingly ignoring to grow themselves.
a) I resist the temptation of suggested objects for the adaption to inspiration I get from everything perceived being "subjected" (form) by the objective (flow). It's you who choose to objectify; while ignoring that choice implies being the subject of balance.
b) meditation (once again from medius - "middle") implies ones status quo as choice within balance. Mediation as suggested represents ignorance of body (outside) for mind (inside)...that's imbalance. Buddhism suggests mediation (aiming inwards) to escape samsara (outside temptation) as to find oneself; yet propagates inwards mediation as the path to follow; instead of following the outside temptations. The issue with both is that life "following" anything implies towards death.
Therefore...neither the temptation of following inwards (mind); nor the temptation to follow outwards (body) are needed; what's needed is balancing in-between (as the responding choice); not seeking outcomes; while following the suggestions of parasites selling them.
DIMENSION, noun [Latin, to measure.]; also DEMON; from dai-mon- "divider, provider". Flow causes momentum; which divides (demon) into form with responding choice to measure (dimension).
Other "dimensions" represents the choices of others, and AN'ALYZE, verb transitive [Gr. analysis.] - "to resolve a body into its elements; to separate a compound subject into its parts or propositions" already happened when ALL (flow) self segregated into ONE (form).
I represent the EL'EMENT, noun [Latin elementus.] - "the first or constituent principle or minutest part or any thing aka the ingredient". I represent the "EL that ments"; the ONE transmuted element out of base ALL (energy)...and so do you.
Trying as quietly as possible to get some friction with the wife going; without waking the kids up...
GUY, noun - "in marine affairs, a rope used to keep a heavy body steady while hoisting or lowering". I don't like being kept bound; so I adapt to the natural bond instead (balance/choice).
Bills are for those consenting to conflicts; hence constantly at fault against suggested laws of men. I represent the highest value (evaluation); which implies being the response-ability to natural law.
I represent the highest value that is being charged (form) by liquidity (flow). I resist the temptation to fall for suggested contracts (debts) by others trying to harvest my charge (potential).
Let's just say: "this is just a punk rock song"..."written for the people who can see something's wrong"..."like ants in a colony we do our share"..."but there's so many other fuckin' insects out there".