posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +8 / -0

It's not a mystery that videos games are big business. The original games were hobbies of love and the first big blockbusters were clearly pioneers and many got wrung through the wringer.

These days there is the myth of indie developer, but I am beginning to see that all major games with a few notable exceptions are tied to massive corporations.

A couple I noticed were some which were closed down and yet had some good titles under their belts so it couldn't be wholly based on reception, possibly burn and too costly to continue but what I found interesting was that a lot of Connected companies which are no longer present are all tied to making war games which are pro US military invasion... Pandemic Studios - Danger close Games - DiCE are all pushing war games out and are clearly most prolifically doing this during the bush war and Obama war years....

Notice how these days it's these major competitive p2p games which have less war themes .... Everything became loot boxes, and less about the plot of saving a nation or any such reasoning. It's just skins and loot.


I just find it interesting how many war games were big when I was growing up and now there are very few by the old standards.