How to craft ones spelling? By suggesting words (information aka from within form) in exchange for ignorance towards perceived sound (inspiration aka from within spirit).
Look at being able to perceive it existed before you consented to the suggested label thereof. What your senses perceive represents moving inspiration for your choice to respond to. Branding that movement with suggested words; deceives you to ignore perceived inspiration for suggested information.
Ask yourself this...if nobody suggested you a language; would your mind think in words? MIND, noun [Latin reminiscor; Latin mens; Gr. memory.] can be filled with suggested information (words); which a) represents the ego and b) tempts one to respond to memory (remember) instead of adapting to ongoing inspiration. The conscious memory needs to be used like a ram for ongoing adaption to perceived inspiration; not like a hard-drive for accumulation of suggested information.
they use is a shield against reprisal for their actions.
Only energy "acts"; while everything within energy (flow/form; loss/growth; balance/choice) "reacts" to movement.
The protection of the few represents the choice of ignorance from the many; because the parasitic few are caused by the ignorance of the many. If one chooses want over need; then that will tempt others to exploit it by suggestion of wants (temptation). The whole "happy merchant" allegory represents that suggestion of temptation.
As for long as the many consent to want or not want the suggestions of the few; so long will they be stuck within the resulting conflict of reason (want versus not want) among themselves. What the many lack to comprehend is that they are bound by contract law as choice consenting to choice suggesting. This bond represents religio - "to bind anew"; which ignores the original bond under natural law (choice responding to balance).
I like your new system of breaking down each point with its own letter identifier.
Those who ignore (choice of want over need) usually read until they find the first "not wanted" information; which they then use to justify ignoring to read further on. By keeping it short and simple their ignorance tends to skip just to the next point instead of ignoring the whole.
Fundamentally one needs to resist the temptation to try to change others; for it is change (flow) that differentiates itself to communicate inspiration to each one within, by using all others as inspiration/temptation (balance for choice).
Kurt Vonnegut had this line in "Breakfast for Champions" about you representing the only one with free will of choice within the automation of everything else aka everything perceivable responds to ones choices. Also...Break (self segregation into momentum) Fast (velocity of flow) for Champion (resistance of form).
Choose to adapt to perceived inspiration (moving differences); while struggling to resist suggested information (affixed meaning for moving things) and you will get this feeling over and over again. Like; every inspiration you poke; opens up more connections for your choice to respond to.
Fascinating. I like your new system of breaking down each point with its own letter identifier. It makes your logic easier to understand.
I agree with your assertion that the label they use is a shield against reprisal for their actions.
I haven't seen you talk about spell-craft before. Is spell-craft a kind of mind control?
How to craft ones spelling? By suggesting words (information aka from within form) in exchange for ignorance towards perceived sound (inspiration aka from within spirit).
Look at being able to perceive it existed before you consented to the suggested label thereof. What your senses perceive represents moving inspiration for your choice to respond to. Branding that movement with suggested words; deceives you to ignore perceived inspiration for suggested information.
Ask yourself this...if nobody suggested you a language; would your mind think in words? MIND, noun [Latin reminiscor; Latin mens; Gr. memory.] can be filled with suggested information (words); which a) represents the ego and b) tempts one to respond to memory (remember) instead of adapting to ongoing inspiration. The conscious memory needs to be used like a ram for ongoing adaption to perceived inspiration; not like a hard-drive for accumulation of suggested information.
Only energy "acts"; while everything within energy (flow/form; loss/growth; balance/choice) "reacts" to movement.
The protection of the few represents the choice of ignorance from the many; because the parasitic few are caused by the ignorance of the many. If one chooses want over need; then that will tempt others to exploit it by suggestion of wants (temptation). The whole "happy merchant" allegory represents that suggestion of temptation.
As for long as the many consent to want or not want the suggestions of the few; so long will they be stuck within the resulting conflict of reason (want versus not want) among themselves. What the many lack to comprehend is that they are bound by contract law as choice consenting to choice suggesting. This bond represents religio - "to bind anew"; which ignores the original bond under natural law (choice responding to balance).
Those who ignore (choice of want over need) usually read until they find the first "not wanted" information; which they then use to justify ignoring to read further on. By keeping it short and simple their ignorance tends to skip just to the next point instead of ignoring the whole.
Fundamentally one needs to resist the temptation to try to change others; for it is change (flow) that differentiates itself to communicate inspiration to each one within, by using all others as inspiration/temptation (balance for choice).
Kurt Vonnegut had this line in "Breakfast for Champions" about you representing the only one with free will of choice within the automation of everything else aka everything perceivable responds to ones choices. Also...Break (self segregation into momentum) Fast (velocity of flow) for Champion (resistance of form).
Choose to adapt to perceived inspiration (moving differences); while struggling to resist suggested information (affixed meaning for moving things) and you will get this feeling over and over again. Like; every inspiration you poke; opens up more connections for your choice to respond to.