11 THEYRE ALL FAKE: Do as I say, not as I do, but for the love of yahweh, REMEMBER TO DONATE!!!!!! (i.postimg.cc) posted 3 years ago by MelaniasHairyBalls 3 years ago by MelaniasHairyBalls +20 / -9 15 comments share 15 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Failing to follow instructions from a member of the flight crew is an automatic felony.
Are masks stupid. Yes. But failing to do so on an airplane at this time, will result in arrest.
Your only other alternative is to drive to your destination. Which may not be feasible in many cases.
Then maybe she should have tweeted
"Comply. When. You. Have. To."
Leaders are supposed to do just that. Lead.
America is a constitutional republic. We don't have leaders, we have representatives.
Now who follows?
i read that as now go suck yourself lmao
Nah she shoulda just zoomed in
She should have teleported.