I would not be surprised in the least if they backtrack on their stance. For anyone who works hands on or in the field, Carthatt is popular but their customer base is VERY conservative. This will hurt their bottom line sales big time. The trick is, once they flip back to not enforcing/supporting mandates or medical persecution, we must NOT buy their products. It’s time to move on and tell companies like this to fuck off.
Agreed. I am done with them. They drew their line in the sand, which they are welcome to do, it is up to my how I respond. No more of my money to carhartt.
I really don't know how they're getting away with it. No company should have access to your medical records.
I would not be surprised in the least if they backtrack on their stance. For anyone who works hands on or in the field, Carthatt is popular but their customer base is VERY conservative. This will hurt their bottom line sales big time. The trick is, once they flip back to not enforcing/supporting mandates or medical persecution, we must NOT buy their products. It’s time to move on and tell companies like this to fuck off.
Agreed. I am done with them. They drew their line in the sand, which they are welcome to do, it is up to my how I respond. No more of my money to carhartt.
The constitution stopped applying the day the election was stolen.
Could not agree more.