Ah. The short version: In the 90's there were all these internet start-ups that were going to revolutionize how we do X or Y by using the internet to do it. Some of these companies got tons of investors and kept chugging along but never actually making any profits but with high stock prices, until the .com bubble burst in 2000 when the market realized that things were inflated. A short, sharp correction followed, along with a short recession. No bailouts were done. Things recovered quickly.
No, I haven't. Care to enlighten me?
Ah. The short version: In the 90's there were all these internet start-ups that were going to revolutionize how we do X or Y by using the internet to do it. Some of these companies got tons of investors and kept chugging along but never actually making any profits but with high stock prices, until the .com bubble burst in 2000 when the market realized that things were inflated. A short, sharp correction followed, along with a short recession. No bailouts were done. Things recovered quickly.