I remember when the first truthers started to post on internet about 9/11 being an inside job. Some people become really mad, saying "you do not respect the memory of the victims". I still can't understand what the fuck did they mean. I hope those were shills bullshitting, because I can't believe people this stupid exist. Anyway, the same pro-vaxx bullshit "my vaxx doesn't work without your vaxx" really resembles the crazy ramblings of anti 9/11 truthers.
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y'all dont understand...
fuckn w/ someones, accepted & expected, daily reality... is gonna have consequences.
This exactly. It is a defense mechanism of the brain. Foundational beliefs, those that we base our life decisions on and build our reputations on, will be defended by the brain at all costs, because the alternative is facing the reality that the foundation that you've built your life and reputation on are false. The brain will warp reality however it needs to in order to make the foundation still appear valid, and the first line of defense is to lash out and de-legitimize anyone saying the opposite, because if you can do that then you don't need to think about it any further.
Obviously, most everyone is capable of eventually coming to accept the truth, but almost no one is capable of doing that instantly. Trying to get them to flip their core beliefs instantaneously is ridiculous. The brain can only move a little bit at a time on core beliefs. Waking people up needs to happen incrementally. Expecting anything else to work is just as silly as them denying reality.
it takes 30 days to cement a new habit.
weve had 600 DAYS to re-org our neural pathways.
this decade aint gonna be perdy.
Drop a skyscraper on you then see how tough you are
you have my <3.
Talking about election fraud in an attack on Democracy!
when did that stop being a thing?
I thought they quit with that bullshit. Do you have any link?
The playbook never changes, which is why many recognize the moves every single time.
Funny thing is Mossad (Israeli intelligence) is what really caused the attack. Same with Eptsein (Mossad as well), when you find out the ceos of big pharma all support Israel it makes sense.
Stop Israel gain world peace
Look mom, it's a kike shill.
Truth implies versus lie..a conflict of reason; based on consenting to want or not want a suggestion (9/11 narrative). Those who consented to the suggested information (wanting the official 9/11 narrative) are holding it within memory (believing); while those who consent to not want the official narrative are a) in a conflict of reason between want vs not want and b) being perceived as liars by those who uphold wanted "truth".
Respecting memory implies viewing existence in response to uphold memory (aka consented to information suggested by others). That isn't what memory is for...accumulation of affixed suggested information (like a hard drive) ignores adaptation to ongoing perceived inspiration (like a ram).
You don't understand this because you responded to the "wants" of others by" not wanting" the same suggestion (9/11 narrative). Both of you are consenting to suggested information by the parasitic few; who utilize suggestion to cause division (conflict of reason aka want vs not want) among the many. Both sides of reason (want vs not want) are ignoring need (perceived) for want (suggested), and ignorance corrupts comprehension of perceived. How could one understand what one chooses to ignore?
Dude, there simply people who are mentally impaired, even if they are functional and able to use a computer. As simple as it gets. Why don't you relax and start talking like a human instead of like a bot.
What does a suggested "computer" imply? That the suggested computes for those consenting to it; while those ignore the need to COMPUTE, verb transitive - "to think".
Ignoring perceived (inspiration) for suggested (information) is what impairs the mental aka choice of want over need.
Notice also that "functional and able to use a computer" implies the conformity for the mind of others to consent to suggested technology. You are being domesticated to understand "functional" to mean in accordance to the norm; to the rules of society; to the suggested rules of behavior from others.
How can the explanation suggested to one another; be simpler than the existence of whatever perceived one tries to explain?
RELAX', verb transitive [Latin relaxo; re and laxo, to slacken.]...for life being moved from inception towards death; does slacken represent the inspiration to struggle for self sustenance of life or the temptation to ignore the struggle?
HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form]...implies out of flow; in response to flow; as resisting form to velocity of flow; hence in need of a response ability (choice).
BOT, ROBOT, noun [from Latin roboro, from robur, strength.]...for form within flow; strength represents resistance to velocity; yet the parasitic few suggest the many to view suggested technology as strength (bots; robots). When you call free-will-of-choice a "bot" you imply strength; yet believe to judge weakness; hence showing ignorance to those who comprehend.
a) TALK, verb intransitive - "persons interchanging thoughts". If one represents a person (per sonos aka by sound); then one needs to respond to source of sound for resonance; not to what others shape out of sound and then suggest as meaning for sound to you (dissonance).
b) does nature communicate itself by talking; by suggesting branded information as words to the perceiving senses of those within? How can all other life-forms perceived; respond by choice to, and comprehend function of a "tree" without anyone telling them that it's called a tree?
c) question if suggested word is shaped by suggesting choice out of perceived sound?
d) choice vs choice (aka agreement vs disagreement over suggested information) does not represent communication; it represents a conflict (dissonance) caused by choice ignoring to respond to balance (resonance).
They smell the tree, they piss the tree. Function of tree completed. Lol, I like reading your salad bot.
View the "tree" as an expanding ecosystem (aka ONE seed within ALL soil) which communicates itself through movement as inspiration towards all other life-forms in the vicinity. A smell is communicated towards perceiving senses through movement...a suggested word (tree) is being affixed (aka idolized meaning) within the memory of those consenting to the suggestion thereof.
The suggested term "animal" represents anima (animated); which implies form animated by flow. All other life-forms communicate as choice towards perceived balance (momentum) within movement...not by the imbalance of agreement vs disagreement over suggested meaning (words). This conflict (choice of want vs not want) is called "reason" and caused by consent to any suggested information (want) over perceived inspiration (need).
Salad (your lack of comprehension) Bot (my strength).
That implies wanting suggested information; while ignoring needed perceived inspiration. Try to adapt to what is written as inspiration for you to shape something out of it; not as a response to others; but for the sustenance of self. The more you do; the more you will comprehend about what you're reading.
When you judge information as word salad; nonsense; bullshit etc.; then you want others to give you understanding in form of easily digestible information. This is what the few are exploiting to domesticate the will of the many who ignore to grow their own comprehension by adapting to perceived inspiration. No other can do this for you...only your own free will of choice can choose need (inspiration) over want (information).
Me pointing this out helps me grow my comprehension; not yours. I cannot help you; only you can choose to help yourself by resisting the temptation to fall for the suggestions of others. Self discernment implies through self.
I need no help. Thanks anyway. Salad as a reference to me, was not meant to insult, just super wordy. And you are correct, listening is a valuable asset.
From my perspective it represents both me stripping all the rhetorical traps and suggested inversions out of language; which both grows my understanding as well as inconveniences the ignorance of others; who then have less words to choose to hide behind. While I'm doing this; I also cram as many different viewpoints and interrelated connections into it; which helps me mapping out ONEs comprehension into ALL perceived inspiration (aka the internal net).
Those who choose to adapt; I then can balance with...cutting it a little shorter or get more into details etc. In other words; I shape what others put into for the sustenance of self.
The highest value within ALL perceived represents ONEs evaluation thereof...free will of choice (evaluation) in response to balance (value).
Try listening to the source of perceived sound; not the words others suggest as meaning. Suggested "insane person" can be shaped into perceived (in sanus aka within sound + per sonos aka by sound)...all depending on choice of evaluation.
a) no aka nothing (suggested) implies ignorance of everything (perceived).
b) each choice ONE makes in adherence to ALL perceived (need over want) helps ONE to comprehend ALL. Therefore...need equals help. The parasites corrupt this by suggesting to help others; which ignores the sustenance of self; which would represents ONEs growth potential within ALL; hence expanding to those surrounding ONEself; which would then help them.
Thank you for the inspiration to write all of this.
uoy era a daehkcid
If you suggest I'm a dickhead; then that implies you believe mine is bigger than yours...
There we go, it's not a bot.