Choice represents ONEs evaluation; balance represents ALL perceivable value; wealth represents ONE growing comprehension of ALL perceived...not consenting to whatever values others are suggesting.
Rich (want) implies versus poor (not want) aka a conflict (imbalance); caused by consenting to a suggestion (money); while ignoring perceived (balance).
Everything perceived within reality represents ONE within ALL. "double" implies a suggestion by ONEs choice of counting ALL perceived aka a response to perceived (reality); shaped into something suggested (fiction). All counting is based on suggested numbers; while ignoring that there's only one perceived reality and that each represents ONE within ALL of it aka NUM'BER, noun - "the designation of a unit"...ONE represents the designated unit out of ALL.
Choice represents ONEs evaluation; balance represents ALL perceivable value; wealth represents ONE growing comprehension of ALL perceived...not consenting to whatever values others are suggesting.
Rich (want) implies versus poor (not want) aka a conflict (imbalance); caused by consenting to a suggestion (money); while ignoring perceived (balance).
Everything perceived within reality represents ONE within ALL. "double" implies a suggestion by ONEs choice of counting ALL perceived aka a response to perceived (reality); shaped into something suggested (fiction). All counting is based on suggested numbers; while ignoring that there's only one perceived reality and that each represents ONE within ALL of it aka NUM'BER, noun - "the designation of a unit"...ONE represents the designated unit out of ALL.