How should we react to anti-vaxxers' Covid deaths?
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The conspiracy here is CNN's ceaseless efforts to polarize. It is part of Deep State political strategy. I wish people wouldn't fall for these tactics.
Does it matter what they watch; when the many consent to watch what the suggested "black mirror" of the few is suggesting them? What does black mirror represent? That which one consents to enter tame mind (entertainment) as a reflection (fiction) of ones ignorance (of reality)...
The few numbers suggested are still deceiving the many to ignore the only NUM'BER, noun - "designation of a unit reference to other units" that matters (form) within ALL (flow) aka ONEself.
That's what public walls are for, posting information. You know, walls of buildings!
Here's where I seem asshole'ish... If you are not out there graffitiing on walls what people need to know to help snap them out of the hypnotism, you are doing nothing more than wishful-thinking. Stop wishing for things to happen and be part of making them happen.
What if the deep state represents ones own ignorance towards blatantly suggested self destruction by others? How about instead of fighting against the "deep state" one tries to grow into an elevated state of comprehension by adaptation to perceived (inspiration); while resisting suggested (information)?
A News company thats purpose is to make you hate your neighbor.
I learned about that, the name is Propaganda.
What does one use to react? Free will of choice. What does having a choice imply? Being a response to balance (need/want); hence a formed (life) reaction to a balance (momentum) caused by flow (inception towards death).
Ask yourself...before you can choose to want or not want the suggested choices from others; are you responding to perceived balance by choosing want (suggested) over need (perceived)?
Does form within flow represent resistance to velocity? Does choice struggling to resist want (temptation) over need (adaptation) has anything to do with the self sustenance of form within flow?
Question if the conflict between pro-vaxxers (want) versus anti-vaxxers (not want) is caused by choice based consent to suggested VAC'CINE, adjective [Latin vaccinus, from vacca, a cow.] by a 3rd party that isn't participating within that conflict?