posted ago by Esuomyonana ago by Esuomyonana +20 / -0

It doesn't matter if you are the only one to speak against the whole world. What matters is that you speak your heart when your heart tells you to speak. I've remained silent many times when my heart told me to speak. And here I am in the world that is reverse from what I'd desire. What does it take to change the world Son of Man? It simply takes a few of us who do not fear persecution. You mustn't fear it for it will come for us.

I can assuredly say that no matter the situation, hence forth, I will follow my heart. I will not fear the consequences. When my heart resigns, from those that persecute me, it doesn't matter. Rest easy friends, it looks like there's rough times to come. There's rough times in Italy, France, Australia, Germany parts of America. Those with me must remain absolute and resolute in our resolve for the heart dictates what the soul wants.