Jesus H, what part of that map is accurate? None of it. You're just being obtuse.
Dude, you do realize that a map from the 1500s can not be anything more than pure conjecture at where and what they were looking at right? For fuck sake, how can you place more validity or any relevance whatsoever on an infantile map that is obviously wrong vs. live image satellites and modern cartography? What fucking grade did you graduate from anyhow?
Are you in Tel Aviv by chance?
Anti-semitism does not make you smart. It makes you look like a fool.
Jesus H, what part of that map is accurate? None of it. You're just being obtuse.
Dude, you do realize that a map from the 1500s can not be anything more than pure conjecture at where and what they were looking at right? For fuck sake, how can you place more validity or any relevance whatsoever on an infantile map that is obviously wrong vs. live image satellites and modern cartography? What fucking grade did you graduate from anyhow?
Anti-semitism does not make you smart. It makes you look like a fool.
And fighting it shows your nose.