Re-set aka response to settiing; from sedo (put into order) + HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form] + CIVILIZE, verb transitive- "to reclaim from a savage (untamed) state"
As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) we a) are set by flow; b) in response to the natural order of flow; c) animal humans aka animated form; d) within a liberated state as "free" will of choice in response to the "dom"inance of balance.
Which brings us to the main issue of civility aka being tamed...TAME, adjective - "spiritless; unanimated" aka ignorance of being animated by flow; and responding as form by breathing aka SPIR'IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe; to blow].
Civilization represents the domestication of free will by means of suggestion; causing those who consent to ignore their response (choice) to setting (balance) as form (human) within flow (animal).
We are at the beginning of
Ones position represents being form (life) within the momentum (balance) of flow (inception towards death) aka the balance in-between beginning and end. Question why you cannot perceive your own inception and death? Because you exist within the momentum of motion; as life (choice) in response to being moved from beginning towards end (balance).
Everything the parasitic few suggest as beginning or end aims at deceiving the many to consent to ignore being within the ever changing moment(um) aka the balance requiring ones response ability (choice). Choice ignores perceived balance; when responding to suggested choices.
the retard culling and die off
RET'ARD, verb transitive [Latin retardo; re and tardo, to delay, tardus, slow, late.] - "to diminish the velocity of motion". Form (life) cannot diminish the velocity of flow (inception towards death); only growing resistance as temporary form within ongoing flow.
What's killing the many is their ignorance towards the need to resist the natural order; which is being exploited by the few who suggest them to "follow orders" aka going with the flow towards death of life. The fall of civilization racket represents a sales-pitch that allows the ignorant to stay ignorant towards what causes the destruction (flow upon form).
Re-set aka response to settiing; from sedo (put into order) + HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form] + CIVILIZE, verb transitive- "to reclaim from a savage (untamed) state"
As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) we a) are set by flow; b) in response to the natural order of flow; c) animal humans aka animated form; d) within a liberated state as "free" will of choice in response to the "dom"inance of balance.
Which brings us to the main issue of civility aka being tamed...TAME, adjective - "spiritless; unanimated" aka ignorance of being animated by flow; and responding as form by breathing aka SPIR'IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe; to blow].
Civilization represents the domestication of free will by means of suggestion; causing those who consent to ignore their response (choice) to setting (balance) as form (human) within flow (animal).
Ones position represents being form (life) within the momentum (balance) of flow (inception towards death) aka the balance in-between beginning and end. Question why you cannot perceive your own inception and death? Because you exist within the momentum of motion; as life (choice) in response to being moved from beginning towards end (balance).
Everything the parasitic few suggest as beginning or end aims at deceiving the many to consent to ignore being within the ever changing moment(um) aka the balance requiring ones response ability (choice). Choice ignores perceived balance; when responding to suggested choices.
RET'ARD, verb transitive [Latin retardo; re and tardo, to delay, tardus, slow, late.] - "to diminish the velocity of motion". Form (life) cannot diminish the velocity of flow (inception towards death); only growing resistance as temporary form within ongoing flow.
What's killing the many is their ignorance towards the need to resist the natural order; which is being exploited by the few who suggest them to "follow orders" aka going with the flow towards death of life. The fall of civilization racket represents a sales-pitch that allows the ignorant to stay ignorant towards what causes the destruction (flow upon form).