My big city just formally entered the highest level of Covid panic because of all the positive test results. Since I'm unjabbed, the guidelines encourage me to not leave my house.
This won't end anytime soon because people here are obsessed with knowing their minute-by-minute Covid status.
Fuck that. I think I'll make a lesiurely trip to the gas station for some snacks.
That's sooooo fucking stooooopid! "Im super duper Triple vaxxed everybody and I caught the covid. You guys need to get shots too" That's like "Hey it's weird, my friend put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger and he died. But you should do it too because, reasons"
Its whoopie, shes shocked and amazed at coffee machines
Everyone I know who has a cold, bronchitis or a positive Covid test right now has been boostered.
Maybe if she wasn't such a fat fuck...
And stupid enough to get 3 gene therapy injections.
Imagine taking medical advice from a washed up actress on tv.
My big city just formally entered the highest level of Covid panic because of all the positive test results. Since I'm unjabbed, the guidelines encourage me to not leave my house.
This won't end anytime soon because people here are obsessed with knowing their minute-by-minute Covid status.
Fuck that. I think I'll make a lesiurely trip to the gas station for some snacks.
That's sooooo fucking stooooopid! "Im super duper Triple vaxxed everybody and I caught the covid. You guys need to get shots too" That's like "Hey it's weird, my friend put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger and he died. But you should do it too because, reasons"
Honk honk honk.
brainwashed fucking idiot -_-
it's got electrolytes