posted ago by Arbors ago by Arbors +19 / -0

The jabs have a 5% "hot shot" rate. That means 5% will get very sick, a subset of which die, and 95% will walk around crowing about how "safe and effective" the jab is.

If you get the sheep to line up and play the 95/5 game over and over and over, you will eventually get them all, but in such a way as to not cause panic or collapse. It will be population reduction on a slow decline.

So therefore every single thing that governments are doing should be viewed through the lens that the goal of those actions are solely to get more jabs into arms. That is the singular goal of all of this. Everything else is a distraction. And in fact, when viewed through that lens, suddenly all of the seemingly random and non-sensical actions of governments suddenly make perfect sense.