I've seen an 80lbs old frail woman bend several utensils (provided by me, can't even bend them myself against a wall at full force) right in front of my eyes.
All sorts of PSI effects are real, and completely normal. Some just require opening the channel and/or lots of practice.
Read The Journal of Society for the Scientific Exploration or Journal of Parapsychology for scientific, peer-reviewed proof.
I've seen an 80lbs old frail woman bend several utensils (provided by me, can't even bend them myself against a wall at full force) right in front of my eyes.
All sorts of PSI effects are real, and completely normal. Some just require opening the channel and/or lots of practice.
Read The Journal of Society for the Scientific Exploration or Journal of Parapsychology for scientific, peer-reviewed proof.
https://www.scientificexploration.org/ https://www.parapsych.org/section/17/journal_of_parapsychology.aspx
This is not new, has been known scientifically for over 100 years.
A great book on parapsychology and ESP is The Roots of Coincidence by Arthur Koestler