The bloods and crips don't have the same agenda. The bloods' agenda is to gain riches and power for the bloods, and the crips' agenda is quite opposed to this as they want to gain riches and power for the crips.
Wasn't it around January 2021 when the vatican had a blackout and people said the pope was being arrested.
He probably just went to hard on Saturnalia sacrifices and needs more rejuvination.
Bloods and Crips have the same agenda but they kill each other too.
The bloods and crips don't have the same agenda. The bloods' agenda is to gain riches and power for the bloods, and the crips' agenda is quite opposed to this as they want to gain riches and power for the crips.
Yes, the agenda is power and money.
Same with the vatican and Khazars. They both want power and money.
The bloods don't want the crips to be rich though, therefore they have opposing agendas.
Rome and Khazars are also competitive.
The Nazis and the Soviets were both SOCIALISTS....
Would be amazing if he was dead
Remember the Pope appeared as a hologram?
Remember he was wheezing like an old perv when he bent down and kissed the feet of some African congress?
Holy shit, do you have a video link?
I did a wee search, here’s a video discussing and showing it.
Here is the tech by which such a thing might have been accomplished.
Here’s the Pope’s wheezing display of subservience
You don't need a conspiracy when he's 85 and just had colon surgery.
ITV announces death of Pope in Christmas blunder
(26 Dec, 2021) - RT News
God wins.
Even against the Vatican.
I doubt it. This same charade has happened to this pope before. Rumors swirling that he was dead, arrested, or stepping down. Then nothing.
Wasn't it around January 2021 when the vatican had a blackout and people said the pope was being arrested. He probably just went to hard on Saturnalia sacrifices and needs more rejuvination.
Was he also summoned to Nasa?
i havent seen the pope since he heralded his "booster". hmmm
could be a big satanic ritual going on
This will provide additional context about the Crypto Jews / Jesuits / Khazarians / Masons / Caninities / Luciferians:
🔍💊"The Black Nobility Jesuit Order: Founders of Fascism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, The Vatican & Zionism"
🔍💊 "X-Factor Winner Reveals Worldwide Freemasonry Secretly Cloaks It's True Religion: Luciferianism"
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Your rumor you mean.
Based on fucking nothing.
Source for khazars?
I saw this earlier too. Today isn't his most credible report. He also seems confused about the origins of the "Jews".
Maybe the Pope was against the vaxxing of the children as it meant less kids to diddle.
Fulford is fake news/controlled opposition.
I know but there is some truth in there isn’t there?
maybe; haven't watched him in years.. lol