I admire the brevity in which you can express to the world that you’re retarded. Sadly some of us enjoy using the language we all understand to get a point across.
I point out going to the moon over and over for very little to no return on the investment makes for a good reason to not keep going there. You respond I’m a shill. Who’s really the shill here?
Go thump your bible and claim there’s a firmament over your flat earth in your basement troll, you add fuck all to the conversation beyond stupidity.
That's alotta words to tell us you're a retarded shill.
I admire the brevity in which you can express to the world that you’re retarded. Sadly some of us enjoy using the language we all understand to get a point across. I point out going to the moon over and over for very little to no return on the investment makes for a good reason to not keep going there. You respond I’m a shill. Who’s really the shill here? Go thump your bible and claim there’s a firmament over your flat earth in your basement troll, you add fuck all to the conversation beyond stupidity.
The shill cries out in pain as it strikes you