posted ago by clemaneuverers [M] ago by clemaneuverers +27 / -0

As some of you may be aware, there are now 2 versions of this website, an old version and a new version.

Things were a bit jumbled up with regards to that, whereby if you were on the new version, clicking a comment section of a post brought you back to the old version of the site.

This is because the New version is not complete yet I guess, all though it's very nearly complete, so C informs me.

So it's a bit neater now and here's how:

If you access Conspiracies through the communities.win domain, it will be the new version of the site (almost exclusively except for some sidebar links). And if you access conspiracies through the conspiracies.win domain, it will be the old website exclusively.

So that's:

communities.win/c/conspiracies = New website

conspiracies.win = Old website

Both will continue to be available for now, but the old will be phased out eventually.


The functionality of the new site is great, it includes a new "active" sort option that works like the "bump" order function on older board sites like 4chan. But the CSS styling doesn't exist for the new Conspiracies yet, so it looks just basic.

The CSS stylesheet for the old website is being used on the new and the only thing about it that works so far are the sidebar links. We are missing Header images, sidebar image and our unique voting symbols from the old website.

If anyone with knowhow would like to volunteer to help with that it would be cool. We can start from scratch or just try to get the same things from the old site working again.

Visit some of the newer communities like NoNewNormal to see what's possible.

Really if we can just get a header image up for now is the main thing. I've no clue how to get that to work unfortunately.