What makes you do good things? Making "the right" choice, Having a positive(?) thought.
There needs to be a push from a balanced (that is in balance) reference point(?) of being/state of mind. Push towards the positive(?) (omnidirectional/infinite). Well most certainly it depends on which frame you choose, from where you look.
The realization simply being the acknowledgement of the existence of good. The potential. Hey, there's a possibility of/for good.
Does anyone practice/does breathwork/yoga/etc? Tounge on the palate and breathing modes/techniques to control the energy works best for me.
Nature implies produced; balance implies producing responding choice; hence dog choices representing the expressed response to balance.
As for owning..."you will own nothing" represents the sleight of hand for temporary existence within ongoing everything. Also; Klaus (schwab); from Claus aka CLAUSE, noun - "inclosure; that which is included, or contained, within certain limits" aka form within flow.
All produced form represents response to balance.
Counting implies choice; hence already in response to balance; not to scale balance; but for balancing. That being said...trying to scale Newfoundland and Labrador may be what you're looking for.
It's the bowl...too tempting to perceive smell out of an undisclosed location.
While leaving out ONEself; the ONEness of ALL and how useful a digit (finger) can be. I showed them one of my digits when their suggested problems caused exponentially growing solutions from me; just to get more problems from them.
Esquire as in ATTORN'EY, noun - "one who is appointed or admitted in the place of another"...no wonder "self" discernment is lacking. Btw if the fourth is called the little one; then there's loss of potential in process.
Does one have self discernment of being within the ever changing moment (um); when one defines it by counting up to it? Where were you before? (now) Where are you now? (now) Where can you only be? (now). "now" about that self discernment issue...
What do you have on beard growth; chest hair growth; yet lack of nose hair growth? Asking for a friend...
Within the moment of everything...how does one let nothing past?
There's only ONE ALL (energy), and you represents ONE within ALL. It's the want to amass everything offered that deceives those within to ignore the need to grow by adapting to loss. Counting (how many) is what tempts you to try to affix what you counted; while ignoring the ongoing movement used to communicate what you can count to your perceiving senses.
You represent the mass (from) within everything (flow); yet you try to amass others, instead of growing yourself.
It's the ignorance of ONE; for the temptation to count others that corrupts ONEs understanding of the ONEness of ALL; into the counted (affixed) sum of all others around you.
The account represents ONEs memory; the currency going through it represents ALL (inspiration); while the suggested computation of others represents the accumulation of debt (consented to information).
...is suggested; while the inspiration superhighway is perceived.
What about the responsibility over choice for need over want in-between the fulfillment of needs? What does stepping out of imbalance to get a quick fix of balance imply for ones status quo within momentum? It's like impregnating your wife; then going back to living in a whorehouse.
Again...knowledge represents perceived ALL; comprehension represents ONEs understanding thereof. We know everything; we each understand it differently; while lacking understanding based on shirking responsibility to grow it by resisting to ignore it.
That represents the response to mass ignorance of reality....the parasitic few who react as merchants of suggested fiction; hence suggesting money to deceive the many to consent to a price tag on ALL perceived value; while also ignoring ONEs choice based evaluation thereof, since responding to the suggested choices of others implies submission to choice to choice while ignoring to respond as choice to balance.
Pyramid aka upward triangle aka masculine implies the velocity of flow as the electric; incoming power; while the downward triangle aka feminine resistance of form represents the magnetic; responding power.
The parasitic few control both; by suggesting the female to ignore the male; which allows the few to shape (mason) the (free) will of choice through suggestion; hence controlling the generative (G) aspect of the many; which they use to play dysgenics under the guise of eugenics.
...for shaping.
Why perceive the ongoing as an unreachable skill; rather than the inspiration for temporary growth of self?
What if ONE represents a temporary instrument of reaction; carried out by an ongoing process? And what if others suggest organ-ism to deceive from ONE towards many?
Import implies coming in (inspiration); hence through movement (flow) towards death (form). Is that what inspiration communicates...getting form done?
AL'LEGORY, noun [Gr. other, to speak, a forum, an oration.] What if all suggested words represent an allegory of perceived sound?
...differentiated by flow as ALL value perceivable and evaluated by the response of ONEs form within.
What others want represents the temptation for you to ignore collective needs. Those around you represent the surrounding habitat one needs to maintain for self sustenance; not what they suggest you to do for them. Listen to them and respond to balance for the sustenance of self; no matter how they respond.
Suggested talmudic and dharmic aside; if/then (balance); then/again (conflict) aka AGAIN [Latin con, whence contra].
Aka acknowledgement / addition; hence deflecting suggested information.
Rebrands of want vs not want; hence suggested as information by others. To resist all of them; simply question need/want (balance) first; instead of consenting to either side of suggested want vs not want (imbalance).
Grey men represents less noticed by those who ignore perceived balance for suggested imbalance. As choice within balance...a) one represents alone (all in one); hence not a team player and b) balance implies responsibility of choice to express balance within all the imbalance caused by ignorance. That ain't neutral; it represents being ONE totally within ALL; hence within momentum.
That's represents suggested conflict (reason); yet choice of form within balance of flow implies representing resistance to velocity; hence balancing aka the inner struggle of choice to resist to outer temptations; which we managed to fuck up to the point of an added inner temptation (ego) aka constantly echoing consented to causes.
APH'ORISM, noun [Gr. determination, distinction; from to separate.]...flow already separates ALL into ONEs; hence others suggesting distinctions as -isms to deceive ONE to ignore ALL.
The truth isn't perceivable; but was suggested as such; hence putting those who wanted it (truth) against those who don't wanted it (false). Nature doesn't offer false either.
The self evidence of movement for those within represents constant change; not affixed truth or conflicting false states. A thing (form) implies temporary within ongoing (flow).
The egg represents the momentum; sheltering the formed growth within from the flowing loss around. Chicken (form) or Egg (momentum) is suggested to deceive from flow.
"Oh, the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin'"..."Oh, I don't know where I'll be tomorrow"..."Wheel in the sky keeps me yearning"..."Oh, I don't know, I don't know"
Ignorance of momentum (don't know where I be tomorrow) blamed upon flow (wheel in the sky); while ignoring that falling for temptation (keeps me yearning) causes lack of comprehension (i don't know). The entire song blames balance (need) to justify choice (want). Pretty catchy propaganda to uproot the many.
Allegory for growth potential aka choice within balance.
All life is within balance; yet most of us choose to ignore it; which represents imbalance. Balance wouldn't be balance if choice wouldn't have need (resonance) and want (dissonance) to choose from.
Perpetuating of itself aka self sustenance aka the internal power of energy aka the loss/growth balance aka the flow/form momentum for the form within the flow; which when adhering to it (need over want) also adheres to self sustenance. We are being process as growth (need) or loss (want) representing the self sustenance of energy. You represent ONE part of what's going on within ALL energy...ONE segregated growth potential within ALL loss of potentiality.
You represent the ONE representation; form in design (plan) of ALL flow.
Reason (conflict) isn't about perceived source of reality; but suggested substitute fiction by others aka the suggested affixed meaning within the perceived ongoing meaning. ONE wants to "do" something; ONE needs to "redo" everything aka respond to being done (moved as life from inception towards death).
Always loyal and patiently waiting under the table for some scraps...
Because to use inspiration (need) over inspiration (want) represents each ones individual choice. Neither of us can make it for another, and using suggesting to steer other just keeps corrupting everyone; including oneself. Perfection also is being suggested as wanted outcome; which ignores adaptation to balance established by the natural order (flow) for those within (form), and the want to arrange represents the suggestion of order out of chaos; which ignores ones status quo as temporary chaos out of ongoing order.
Yet not from comprehended flow doing it to form; but from the suggested fear/hope of what other form tempts them to believe is just around the corner. Everyday is doomsday in the world of suggestion.
That would imply perception running out of inspiration...can't happen within balance; which is why the producing flow is ongoing; while the responding form is temporary.
Actually..."Alles für den Dackel; alles für den Club" aka "all for the dachshund (Sirius in canis major); all for the CLUB, noun - "contribution; joint charge"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoR9qqBnfUg
Want vs not want represents the suggested binary (from binos - "constitution of two) of 1 vs 0 (on vs off) aka perceived reality vs suggested fiction aka adherence to self sustenance (need) or ignorance thereof (want). Binary digital implies "who's counting to two?"; hence a sleight of hand for consent of ONE to count suggested other ONEs into "two" aka consent to ignorance. Here we have the intro of RZA's "Bobby Digital"..."Niggaz still, makin money offa those shits"..."Loopin the same shits for a thousand years". Let "looping the same (ALL)" settle in...
"Information" Technology aka suggestion of idolized meaning through means of TECHNOL'OGY, noun [Gr. art, and word or discourse.] aka spell-craft. Now try suggestion of "who wants a sponge bath" upon a hog.
You mean E. Normous Mc Timothy?
That implies ignoring that which is (momentum) for that which was (momentum); which others suggest means past towards present, hence a road to follow towards the future aka "just follow the yellow bricked road; Dorothy"...a suggestion made by the same few who suggest that the outcome thereof leads to a curtain that can be lifted (ignorance).
Momentum aka choice within balance.
The now for choice represents the responding placement within balance; where you represent the particular (individual ONE) within the collective ALL.
Mastering a skill implies progression of skills while doing so, and the more skills one accumulates; the more tempting it becomes to ignore momentum needed to sustain skill. Form cannot master within flow; it can progress skill growth; while resisting loss. Notice also that as an IT master for example both your life progression (towards death) and technological progression (through suggestion) diminishes your "mastered" skill.
Matter represents mass (a collective body of fluid matter aka form within flow). CAPACITY, noun - "passive power" implies ignorance of being a reactive power aka resistance to velocity. P'ASSIVE, adjective [Latin passivus, from passus, patior, to suffer.] implies loss over growth; hence ignoring to resist.
Secret implies consent to suggested information; which allows those suggesting it to withhold it as a secret from those who want it. ALL inspiration is offered towards ONEs responding free will of choice. Lack of comprehension doesn't imply the secrecy of nature; but the ignorance to grow comprehension by those within.
And ALL represents ONE in energy aka the foundation for counting...ONE can only count ONEness.
Yet perception (knowledge) communicates inspiration for responding choice to struggle for growth over loss (need over want).
Inhale (inspire); exhale (expire) aka drawing ones last breathe allegory; ignores being resistance to incoming velocity.
Marriage represents a suggested license that allows the parasitic few to interfere with the sustenance of self within the family unit (oneness). It represents the way for the parasite into the host. What binds the natural opposites (female/male) is the sustenance of self within balance; hence causing the need for both intercourse and maintenance of shared self (offspring). Furthermore; femininity and masculinity are defined by each others coexistence within balance.
Holistic is being suggested under the umbrella of holism as describing "evolution as a process of unification of separate parts"; which represents the suggested inversion of the ONEness of ALL (energy) self segregating into each ONE within ALL as perceivable inspiration to each other for individual growth.
The change that movement causes represents the self differentiation through momentum into the power of resistance (form) within the power of change (flow). Now why would these scientists fail to point of the power of resistance; when the very same power was used to consent to their suggested scientism? Meanwhile...RAD (Resist; Accept; Direct) Climate Change. Parasite humor never fails to mock its host.
What does choice within rhythm imply? Response-ability aka need (resonance) or want (dissonance).
What if everything sensed at any moment; yet consciously lacking comprehension thereof?
The origin of sound still represents flow; while form (air) represents the response to it among other form; within the momentum of flow.
What if choice of evaluation responding to value within balance doesn't represent assigning value; but balancing within predefined value? Why would a response be able to define the origin it responds to? ONE should question if free will of choice allows the devaluation of self by ignoring ALL; instead the many are tricked to reason about the suggested values by the parasitic few, and how do they reason? By nonstop evaluation of suggested values; while blatantly ignoring perceived value. Why? Because they want to.
To differentiate implies choice; self differentiation implies movement causing momentum (balance within movement) for the resulting differentiated form within. Flow also doesn't leave form on its own; since form temporarily exists within ongoing flow. As for form perceiving and pointing out flow...that implies self discernment aka an individual growth; so "all" the ones won't be able to comprehend flow within the balance of growth (adherence) and loss (ignorance). The resulting vectors represent flows own momentum.
Balance represents the equal value to the inequality of the evaluating choice within. What most ignore is that choice represents the highest value of ONE within ALL value...aka a finite growth potential within infinite value offered. We are tricked to count suggested value; which those suggesting it leverage as cost (hence burying our evaluation under exponential debt); while we ignore having "free" will of choice. Life doesn't represent a cost; but ONEs opportunity within ALL to grow. The responsibility tied to this represents the choice to resist ignoring needed growth for wanted loss. And how do most respond to reading this? "But I don't want to loose..."Et voilà; there's the resulting conflict of reason (want vs not want) caused by ones ignorance of need.
Doesn't energy imply if/then? Doesn't nothing imply choice to ignore everything? Doesn't whenever imply momentum anyway?
Games are suggested to the ignorant many to chase outcomes; while harvesting their energy used to achieve them aka outcome (bread) and games (circuses). Inception predefines death as the outcome of life; which puts life into a balance based momentum until then. No teams; only ONE balancing within ALL.
Momentum represents the ever changing point for the matter of ONE within ALL.
Because they suggest the players to ignore that ALL is given to each ONE; which in return allows the few to take and keep as much as the many ignore to utilize.
Justice "just is" aka flow as the natural order for form; yet form has the choice to ignore it for whatever other form suggests.
The pusher (flow) goes all the way; the stone (form) is being reused; the brushers (other form) suggest the stone to help brushing to shorten the momentum.
a) action vs inaction represents ignorance of being reaction.
b) trust represents ignorance of perceived inspiration for suggested information.
c) responsibility implies simply responding to input...only flow puts into form; while what other form suggests is being put into self by consenting to it.
d) things are constantly changing; which implies your adaptation to perceived change within. Ignoring that response ability implies the ongoing natural order of flow transmuting the temporary chaos of form...with less resistance.
Balance within energy (loss/growth aka flow/form) represents self sustenance; while response as choice of form to balance within flow represents...wait for it...self sustenance. Choice doesn't stand up for balance; it balances for self sustenance of being choice. If you are pushed towards death...do you need to stay in neutral or do need to adapt by any means necessary to resist being pushed?
That's very helpful to resist the temptation to fall for suggested idolatry. Next question the implication of branding anything within movement, and the contract between suggesting a brand and consenting to it?
How is ones lack of understanding a perceivable falsehood?
Did they need to eat the shrooms or are they witnessing the consequences of falling for a tempting want; while ignoring need? Self intoxication can be one hell of a trip; but it doesn't need to be.
If ONE within the ONEness of ALL tries to mirror ONEself...what does he see? Let's bring in another sleight of hand: "Mirror mirror on the wall"..."Tell me mirror, what is wrong?"..."It's just me myself and I".
a) Magnet aka Magnesia aka loadstone aka loading form...how? What if electric flow loads magnetic form, and what if forms choice within flows balance implies "reload"?
b) better use a con (together with) dom (dominance) aka together with dominance (balance) implying responding choice; when trying to fuck magnets...
A comprehensible foundation for the assumptions within. A "truth" implies conflict with a "false"; being proclaimed by choice as a suggestion towards others; and an idolized meaning controlled by whoever suggests it.
That once again implies creationism (out of nothing). Hatched into implies being already within; hence universe (from unitas; oneness). It's the formed expression of a flowing universe that exists within the momentum (balance).
Suggested before vs after to deceive ignorance of being within the now aka the self explanatory momentum of motion; which when ignored gets kinda hard to understand for those within. Things before things also implies counting suggested form; while ignoring the origin thereof (flow).
GEODENTE, noun "a fuss; a complicated matter". Indeed...the simplicity of flow causes the complexity of form.