What makes you do good things? Making "the right" choice, Having a positive(?) thought.
There needs to be a push from a balanced (that is in balance) reference point(?) of being/state of mind. Push towards the positive(?) (omnidirectional/infinite). Well most certainly it depends on which frame you choose, from where you look.
The realization simply being the acknowledgement of the existence of good. The potential. Hey, there's a possibility of/for good.
Does anyone practice/does breathwork/yoga/etc? Tounge on the palate and breathing modes/techniques to control the energy works best for me.
ANNOY', verb transitive ([Latin neceo, to hurt, that is, to strike; neco, to kill) aka the temptation of ongoing flow upon temporary form within aka the status quo of being moved by the natural order from inception towards death. Everything represents annoyance if those within ignore to resist it. It's then the growth of resistance that surrounds one with benefits of growth; instead of the predominance of temptation through loss.
Collective light for individual illumination.
Each ingredient and choice used to shape it contains infinite potentiality for growth.
Consent to want to impart (divide) claimed information as suggestions towards others is what allows the few to suggest an internal net of suggested information; which ignores the external net of perceived inspiration.
How does one use the suggested internet? In the name of the consented to corporate identity claimed by others (ones name; brand; idolized meaning); which represents communication on the internet as a corporation aka a corpus oration. There are no senses adapting to one another; just tools to mimic reality (1) within suggested fiction (0) aka a cipher-space; from CIPHER, noun - "arithmetical symbol for zero; nothing" + "SPACE, noun [Latin spatium, space; spatior, to wander.] - "room; extension".
Idols aka suggested (want) over perceived (need).
Suggested vocals; suggested visions; suggested meaning...yet all consented to.
Dear (ONE) to choose (momentum) to taste (ALL) aka who; where and why aka self discernment.
Meanwhile...beloved (another ONE); wish (want from another ONE) and try (ignorance of responsibility towards ALL) aka self corruption.
Hunger represents need; taste represents want...choice struggles in-between.
When velocity meets resistance it causes friction; vibration; resonance and heat; which requires liquid based cooling. Think flow/form in balance (momentum) causing heated liquids. Spirit cooking is served aka alchemical transmutation out of base. Also; to dilute (liquefy) ALL into individual ONEs within the caldron of momentum.
Aka balance (momentum) within motion (the foundation for choice). Holding onto implies onto form within flow; hence loss. Letting go implies resisting the temptation of want over need; hence growth.
Superficial (balance); degree (choice).
Expressing what one comprehended through perception; by suggesting it as information in ignorance of perceived inspiration contains everything wrapped into a temptation.
Fragment (break and mind) represents ONEs lack of understanding towards ALL; hence growth potential.
Inspiration from the failures of others or temptation to fall for what others attempted to hold onto?
Individual self (blood); collective self (bloodline); hence both individually reflected (response as choice to balance for self sustenance) and collectively left along the way (ongoing form).
That represents the insolence that ignorance tempts. Those posters represent ignored form; and doodling the resistance towards ignorance of self sustenance. Also consider what a poster represents...suggestion of that which was or that which might be aka advertising for ignorance; hence causing those responses of resistance. Compare rural and city amounts of advertisement to notice where resistance is bred.
Because shelter represents among others; which when alone (ignoring ALL in ONE) tempts to want reminder of others.
Because the natural order of flow (loss) just is (justice) aka already enforced (velocity) upon form. Therefore; seeking punishment already has the sleight of hand in it...PUN, noun - "an odd or ludicrous idea; a kind of quibble or equivocation; a low species of wit". Once again...ignorance represents the pun of the mind (punishment).
Needed shelter and wanted representations thereof. Also; what does "building" imply? "any one wants pre-build and finished "buildings"; while ignoring needed building...call black rock real estate"
The state of ignorance towards a system of ALL where ONE leads to another ONE and so on.
Consider if what ONE tries to emulate (attempt to equal) represents a perceived differentiation within an already equal ALL?
ONEs mind represents temporary access to ALL ongoing input (perception). Just like ONE exist within ALL, so does comprehension exist within perception. It's not a blank state; but ONEs potential (comprehension) within ALL potentiality (perception). The mind is from the get go (inception) ready to process inspiration, yet has to grow the body to be able to bring mental/physical into balance; hence not being on ONEs own at inception; hence sheltered.
Fullness (ALL) represents balance (momentum); readiness (ONE) represents choice of need (balance) and want (imbalance). Imbalance represents the choice to ignore perceived balance for suggested imbalance; hence not a blank state; but filled with self restricting corruption.
The natural order represents the course of flow (beginning towards end) that causes the balance (momentum). Return implies choice within balance and in response to being moved. We (form) don't follow the natural course (velocity); we represent the resistance to it; which implies balancing.
Imitation of the flow causing the momentum by perceived responses of other form towards being moved. Hence imitation of inspiration (from within spirit); while imitation of suggested information (from within form) represents idolatry. The difference represents understanding of source...balance (flow); choice (form); which requires self discernment; which has to be grown by ONEself out of ALL; while resisting the temptations of other ONEs.
"I am" before whatever others suggest "that" I am, and it's therefore my responsibility to grow discernment for ONEself.
Wanting suggested choice (truth) vs not wanting suggested (lies) in ignorance of perceived need (balance). Want vs not want represents a) reason (conflict); b) ignorance of balance (imbalance) and c) the foundation for the umbrella idol "dualism"; which allows those making the suggestions to brand both sides of every conflict of reason at will; into for example true vs false; good vs bad; on vs off etc.
Want and not want represent the mimicked balance of ignored balance (imbalance). Imbalance can only be shaped within balance (as form within the momentum of flow); it doesn't represent the imbalance of momentum; but the imbalance of the form balancing within momentum. Self corruption.
A lie represents not a "false" state; but an affixed suggested meaning; that ignores the ongoing meaning perceived, when one consents to it aka consenting to mentally uphold it as true (want) or false (not want) memories; idols of meaning; brands.
Silence represents a wanted response to the noise of the ego; of the memory filled with affixed meanings that constantly tempt one to reason (conflict; hence noise) about the true (want) vs false (not want) of it.
Flow represents the origin of perceivable sound for the insane (in sanus aka within sound) person (per sonos aka by sound) choice based response (resonance) of form within. That sound represents the sound of energy (inherent power aka loss/growth communication; hence friction; vibration; resonance). The natural opposite to perceivable sound (form within flow) is not being able to perceive it anymore (form back to flow) aka instead perceiving input as form; one then puts into form as flow.
Aka the suggestion to ignore being resistance to the velocity of motion, and transmuted out of the ongoing source of motion (energy).
Comprehension (potential) grows into perception (potentiality)...yet can never reach it; hence self differentiation of ALL potentiality (flow) into ONEs potential (form). The meeting place represents momentum (balance) of form within flow.
Offer of flow/consent by form aka balance/choice...really gets one high for a moment(um). The parasites suggest us to get fucked over by the dealer; yet the real deal (balance/choice) can only be fucked up by the addicts choice (want over need).
Rational represents the conflict of reason (want vs not want); hence being explained through suggestion; while doesn't explain anything...it inspires by moving everything.
a) MIND, noun (Latin reminiscor; Latin mens; Gr. memory). Energy (inherent power) implies memory aka inherence of power.
b) time implies ongoing flow (tick; tick; tick...) for the temporary form within. "it's like a heart beat; I'm talking about beat-street" (sleight of hand).
c) back and beginning represent limitations of form (defined by inception towards death). Only within momentum can beginnings be perceived and followed back to source.
d) beginning of flow represents loss of potentiality within everything (energy); which can only be comprehended by the resulting growth of potential within.
Form represents memory within flow; which only then allows remembering (choice of want over need); hence causing the confusion aka the imbalance within balance.
Together implies differentiated as form within flow; at the same time represents the ever changing moment (um) for the form within flow; two implies ignorance of both of every one representing ONE within ALL (form within flow) and the ONEness of ALL (energy); reason (conflict) implies the ignorance of implication (if/then aka coexistence within balance); and following implies falling for the temptation of suggestions towards outcome (death); while ignoring existing within balance aka already being moved from inception towards death.
In short...form needs to resist the velocity of flow; not follow the suggestions of others.
Every one dances differently (choice) on the same dance floor (balance); while adherence to the beat puts those within momentum into resonance to balance. Reason as a suggested word represents a rebrand of the conflict caused by wanting vs not wanting any suggested information. That conflict does not exist when perceiving needed inspiration. Saying afterwards..."nice inspiration but I don't want it" ignores that one already got it.
Treadmill as representation for ongoing flow. The moment one steps on it; it represents a balance for ones responding choice; yet choice allows the ignorance of balance, hence causing imbalance for oneself within the ongoing balance.
Now change perspective to you being free will of choice within that momentum (balance); balancing as form (life) within flow (inception towards death)...you don't perceive the treadmill; yet you need to adapt to being moved.
One shapes imbalance (want) by ignoring balance (need).
"In your head, in your head"..."zombie, zombie, zombie, hey, hey". That's where we cage suggested information; thereby tempting us to ignore all perceived inspiration. Also; monkey aka mon (my) key (growth potential by choice of resisting to ignore incoming inspiration).
FER'MENT, noun [Latin fermentum, from fervo, to boil.] - "the internal motion of the constituent parts of a fluid".
CORRUPT, verb transitive [Latin, to break.] - "to break, separate or dissolve".
Both require understanding of form within flow; and I usually use corruption to prevent the ignorance of forms responsibility of choice towards the flow that breaks. Using fermenting looks like as if would tempt to ignore flow for liquid within form.
Alchemy...ONEs transmutation out of base ALL.
Some call putting red wine into white cider vinegar emulsive; others would throw bottles at you for pollution...
-ism implies suggestion towards choice; choice implies response to balance. Try to question the implication of -ism before whatever is suggested before it and you can easily avoid consenting to conflicts.
The want of outcome clouding the need for balance. Comprehending perceived balance implies increase of potential for choice; hence more beneficial reactions for the sustenance of self aka an expansion of ONEs ecosystem within ALL.
What does the ratio, proportion of ONE within ALL imply? Self restriction or self expression?
Thinking implies responding to input; hence "I think therefore I am within/out of"
What instigates loss? ALL (energy) to be able to lose.
Yet it adheres to level (balance); hence being form within a momentum of flow.
Hatched implies out of; hence a response to being ONE (form) within ALL (flow). Everything represents the starting point for something within. Existence doesn't start at 0 (nothing) it starts with 1 (ONEness of ALL aka energy); within which then ONE (form) can exist within ALL (flow).
Which inspires the questioning of momentum and ones placement within as choice within balance. The more one does; the more one understands what all is about.
This is why ALL self differentiates into ONEs; as to be able to communicate inspiration for self sustenance of a) ONE within ALL (different within same) and b) ONEness of ALL (sameness of differentiation). The hammer represents a tool tempting to hold onto; hence ignoring need to let go of temptation; hence corruption of understanding perceived differences..until everything comprehended stays a nail.
Flow is always stronger than form; hence form representing the temporary within the ongoing. The mimicked velocity of wind; water or a "rolling stone" shows a glimpse of the power of flow that sustains the momentum for every form.
Adaptability keeps one within momentum; until others resist and redirect the mimicked velocity right back at ya.
You added to the allegory an inside (components of treadmill) and an outside (flung off); because you perceive it as form; instead of flow. Try it again; but now assume only the ongoing movement of a treadmill (not the form thereof) and yourself as being the form within; struggling by choice within a momentum as if the treadmill is still there. Now balance and imbalance is directly tied to your responding choice, and flung off isn't as pleasant as sailing into a wall; but instead the whole loss of life thing.
An assumption made upon the suggestion of "nothingness"; which one cannot perceive; yet vehemently defends the belief of. Meanwhile; inception/death represent balance for choice of life within aka the ongoing (inception towards death) containing its opposite the temporary (life). Loss/growth (something containing its opposite) represents transmutation out of the same base. Put an ice cube into boiling water and you'll get a temporary within an ongoing aka a transmutation out of the same base water. How is it nothingness if one comprehends transmutation out of everything?
None represents "Nothing One" aka an allegory for ONEs ignorance of ALL (everything). Two implies counting of ONEs. ONE and ALL aren't "two" they represent the ONEness of ALL (energy).
All based on suggested creationism (out of nothing). Get out; stand still and wait until nature suggests you to consent to an -ism. Meanwhile everything will become rather unpleasant for the one waiting for nothingness. The opposite of ALL represents ONE (within ALL)...not nothingness. Loss of ALL (potentiality) represents growth of ONE (potential).
You can neither perceive nothing within everything; not can you create anything out of nothing into everything; without using everything to transmute something out of it. Try it out..."create" without transmuting. How could create into reality; without reality representing a foundation to build in/out of? So many minds are inverted to seek complex answer; instead of questioning the simplicity of ignorance. "Reality equals everything...Ignore reality...Now nothing is full of possibilities" ~scientism.
Will it inspire questioning the source that doesn't suggest?
Consent to any suggested -ism is what allows those suggesting it to hide within the shadow of ones lack of understanding. The foundation for -isms represents choice (suggestion) to choice (consent); while the foundation of choice (consent) represents balance (offer). That's the trick of idolatry; while everything suggested represents the sales pitch to be bound anew (religio; from re-ligo (re-binding)).
Alpha; Omega; Yang and Yin represent suggested brands defined by those suggesting them; while inception/death; loss/growth represent perceived behavior defining you; hence no eating without loss/growth, and no being without inception/death. Understanding this defines the "can" of eating aka the potential of what ONE can do with ALL offered.
That's you judging input by reasoning aka want (good) vs not want (bad); while benefits stem from choosing need over want. A benefit is defined by your growth within balance; not your judgement upon the grown within conflict (reason).
Good and bad do not represent natural states; but choice based response of ignorance to perceived states aka one perceives something; then chooses to judge it as good or bad; followed by then choosing to suggest it as such to others; causing the conflict of reason. Nature offers the potentiality of loss to the potential of growth...neither represents bad vs good (conflict) but coexisting opposites (balance) aka a balance defining the responding choice.
Free (choice) implies dom (dominance of balance); want (temptation) implies need (responsibility), and to choose whatever you want implies to first choose want over need under natural law.
Movement inspires need; movement tempts wants; resistance to movement chooses response to balance (need/want).
Where does the temporary power to grow originate form? From the ongoing power of loss. Growth represents the expression of loss; growth can only exist within loss; because where else could ONE grow than ALL?
The attempt to express ALL represents ONEs choice responding to it. To begin implies ONEs inception; not ALLs inception; since ALL always was (energy). Growth is subjected to loss within energy; they balance each other for the self sustenance of energy; it's inherent power.
Everything that "is" is within momentum; within the nu;now; within the ever changing moment...not some time, but the only moment within ongoing time (tick; tick; tick...). What causes this momentum represents "just"; while "really" represents responding choice to it.
Both of you shaped what was already there into a different form; as a response to being moved by flow.
Can one translate perceived movement into suggested; affixed meaning thereof? The internet is being suggested to reason about the affixed within the ongoing; which implies the ignorance of the ongoing.
Trans (transfer) late (delayed) aka incoming inspiration delayed by ignorant memory for suggested information. The flow of nature (aka the natural order) cannot be late; it represent the constant offering towards the moment (um) of formed existence within.
That's a great allegory for balance (caused by loss of flow); but it ignores the potential of growth in-between (choice of form).
What implies energy aka the what for each ONE within ALL.
Individual submission to collective suggestion; leaving those who consented to reason with each other (like music vs don't like music) within a controlled environment (club). The suggested "con sent" you into a controlled environment aka in da club; where "we gon' sip Bacardi like it's your birthday"... "and you know we don't give a fuck, it's not your birthday" aka where the self destructive temptation of ignorance is celebrated.
Consent shared or con sent the cattle into a pen for a shared experience?
Who implies ONE. Where implies within ALL. Why implies self sustenance. What implies energy. When implies now. How many implies each ONE within the ONEness of ALL.
Done struggling implies done balancing by choice as form within flow. Tell me how does one struggle enough to get done breathing? Does wanting or not wanting to breathe matter to the need thereof?
Form (life) represents response to flow (inception towards death); hence responsibility of choice within balance (need/want). Need represents the struggle to resist the temptation to fall for wanted ignorance of need.
Value represents predefined perceived input; evaluation represents what ones choice shapes out of it. Growth implies how much of ALL perceived value ONE can comprehend.
The left and right tusks of a walrus represent individual ONEs; where the walrus exists for one to perceive the differentiated tusks represents the collective ALL.
Self sustenance of "hand" requires adaptation to both (cramping/stretching). Only within balance exists the choice to hold onto anything; yet it represents a temptation to want to hold onto anything instead of the need to utilize everything for self sustenance.
There's no "do nothing" while responding to everything. The parasitic few suggested the many to buy nothing of value (money); which is why they now ignore evaluating the value of perceived everything. Supply and demand is suggested to justify want vs not want (conflict of reason); which ignores that ALL is supplied to each ONE within; and that ONE is demanded to respond to ALL.
Aka the ego; a memory filled with suggested information; exhausting those who ignore the ongoing perceived inspiration for it.
Hence the suggestion of information by others. What the many ignore is that there's only one source for ALL perceived inspiration and that ain't from any other ONE. Flow communicates all inspiration to the responding form within; and whatever movement others are mimicking always contains the communicated inspiration from ALL to each ONE...a perceived value that only responding evaluation can utilize.
What one perceives represents how other ones respond to being moved; and flow is what differentiates them as formed inspiration for one to perceive. There's no deception from source (perception); only from the ignorant response to source (suggestion)...and ones choice based response (need of perception or want of suggestion) is what shapes ONEs comprehension of ALL perceived or the lack thereof.
This is where comprehending ALL being ONE (energy) would come in handy; hence ONE within ALL representing alone aka "all (in) one".
Who always represents ONE; where always represents ALL. You contemplating about which one and where represents your ignorance of ONEself within perceived ALL for the suggestions of others. What others see doesn't matter to you; it tempts you to end up like the blind men around the elephant; killing each other over their different viewpoints of the same thing. Yet growing ONEs comprehension of ALL perceived allows understanding of each perspective; including the elephant being inappropriately groped by ignorant morons.
Change the perspective to the few who utilize the longevity of suggested brands; perpetuated by not only the temporary orchestra; but by the many who consent to listen to it. Those many represent the target for these suggested idols; and the institutions used in-between to market and perpetuate them; are being destroyed and rebuild over and over again to deceive the many to consent to believe the same words from different institutions.
This is how the few stay out of the civilization resets the many are being tricked to experience over and over again. The many get death; while the few will utilize the outliving idols yet again for the next batch of ignorance.
a) reason implies conflict; hence them defending themselves through self imposed restrictions upon the tools to reason with.
b) the tower of BA'BEL, noun [Heb.] "confusion; disorder" represents the allegory for babbling indistinct sounds; while ignoring to respond to perceived sound (resonance); hence dissonance collapsing those who ignore resonance over and over again.
c) both those self restricting the use of suggested words and those "freely" expressing suggested words are bound to the will of those suggesting the words.
When you start shaping meaning of words you will notice that a) most of the many will oppose whatever meaning you suggest, and b) the few won't let you mass perpetuate non kosher meanings around. The spell-craft racket is therefore not only top down controlled by mass suggestion of meaning; but down top defended by mass consent to suggested meaning.
That implies your judgement over suggested information; yet those who adapt to perceived inspiration can utilize it without ever touching your suggested intents or meanings. Why? Because meaning is predefined and within sound; no matter the suggested meaning of the words shaped out of it, and those within sound (insane) and by sound (person) are subjected to respond to intent as well aka self sustenance. Choosing to want to ignore this still communicates the need for self sustenance.
Built it anywhere else and it still corrupts as form within flow; it's still being build within momentum.
Why the cold? Lack of adaptation (choice) to momentum (balance).
Aka growth of potential while balancing.
The hittite laws already represent a suggested substitute for the laws of nature (flow upon form); which is why those who consent to them are suggesting "the act of not building"; while ignoring the need to build in response (reaction) to everything. Form already represents the substitute of flow; hence no need to emulate other suggested substitutes.
The expansion of what one perceives represents the growth of ones comprehension thereof. Perception represents the offer of unlimited input as inspiration for the growth of ones limitation. Whatever you perceive in front of you...your choice can make more out of it, and the possibilities offered are limitless since your potential will run out of life before even scratching the surface of what can be.
That implies idolizing the crop; instead of each ONEs responsibilit to sustain self by fertilizing the surrounding. This is how you get "Children of the Corn" and the horror it leads to.
IM'AGE, noun [Latin imago.] - "a representation or similitude of any person or thing, formed of a material substance". Form represents a re image of flow.
Need implies sustenance of life; want implies the ignorance thereof; hence being tempted towards death. We are deceiving ourselves to ignore this by reasoning about wanting vs not wanting death; which both are defined by death; hence ignorance of life. Try giving up breathing to understand that balance dominates free will of choice (free-dom). If you're defined by your wants then you're defined by death; while the ignorance of need will tempt you to endlessly justify what you want vs what you don't want. This would be an annoying issue on itself; but now we have the parasitic few ruthlessly exploiting just that with suggestions (towards both want and not want) and contradictions (towards both want and not want); and on top of that we also have an ignorant majority hostile to each other; while ignoring the existence of the few as-well.
That represents the justification for wanting to taste. Notice that real hunger first tempts with endless wanted tastes; then diminishes taste altogether into naked need for anything processable. Dedicated fasting represents a ritual to relearn the balance between hunger (need) and taste (want). This isn't about taking taste from you; but about you corrupting taste by tasting too much; while being tempted to want even more.
Balance represents the predefined value of need/want for the responding choice of evaluation thereof. Your question implies balance having choice. Balance does not need to choose; since it already represents ongoing balance; it's temporary choice that needs to balance by choosing.
Classic contradiction in terms...doing (implies something) nothing (implies ignoring something).
Not "our" selves; but ONEs self sustenance within ALL; which implies the self sustenance of the ONEness of ALL. Choice does not respond for balance or for other choices; but in response to balance; which grows potential of choice; which then benefits others. The favor was already given...from ALL to ONE aka temporary participation within conscious existence. Re-turning that favor simply re-presents re-sponding to it by choice; hence re-sponsibility. Meanwhile among humanity: "witness my benevolence...I recycle".
a) natural law (flow) is defined for those within (form); so it ain't out-law; but ignorance of being within law.
b) flow represents velocity; hence the force of law; which the parasitic few are inverting by suggesting law enforcement (law enforced upon mind aka suggestion of ignorance).
c) "free" will of choice is already apprehended within the "dom"inance of balance (free-dom). The parasitic few inverted this by sentencing to life imprisonment (imprison the mind) aka SEN'TENCE, noun [from Latin sententia, from sentio, to think.]
d) trying implies what? Free will of choice; while a court (jurisdiction) implies the legal (natural law) power (resistance) of authority (choice) of doing justice (mimicking flow); yet not upon each other; but in response to balance for the sustenance of self.
Consider the implication of figuring a way out of living life? What if the parasitic few simply suggest escapism to deceive one to ignore the only moment(um) ONE can exist within ALL?
LIB'ERTY, noun [Latin libertas, from liber, free.] aka the status quo of choice (free) within balance (dominance). The parasitic few are suggesting choices as paths towards (mimicking loss of flow) freedom; yet consenting to any suggested choice implies ignoring ones free will of choice to respond to dominance of balance. Which choice to freedom? ONEs free will of choice. Sleight of hand..."Back to life, back to reality"..."Back to the here and now".
Hierarchy of need aka fruits of ones labor aka exponential growth aka attracting others.
Energy to flow (loss) to momentum (balance) to form (growth).
ALL represents the soil for each ONE seed within. Others represent the temptation to uproot ONEself; or the inspiration to grow ONEself...depending on choice of response to balance (need/want).
We (ONEs) are within ongoing transmutation out of base (ALL).
Flow and form together represent the inherent power of energy aka loss/growth aka velocity/resistance etc.
Everything is energy; everything perceivable (form within momentum of flow) can be shaped by choice. Choose to rebrand a hot dog into a sandwich and there ya go; and if you think yourself of the Asian persuasion than consider resisting the temptation to make a sandwich out of a hot dog.
Hard to miss being within (momentum).
The implication of ONE (being within ALL) represents finite; while the implication of ALL (energy) represents infinite. Finite cannot reach infinite; since it's already with-in-finite.
Hold it or resist it...struggle on both sides; balance within.
Try to choose to not to breathe. The resulting dominance will put your choice back into place.
A masturbation allegory?
What's two for ONE who doesn't ignore everything perceived for nothingness suggested? Another suggestion.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik?
ONEself within ALL implies ALL at disposal of each ONE. The overkill assumption stems from ONE trying to claim (want) ALL instead of using it (need).
Because they respond to balance; instead of suggested imbalances.
Trying and doing and every other reaction implies in response to the source of action (energy).
Sense implies sensing aka perceiving moving input through senses.
Question about implies contemplation of observation...I presume?
Flow doesn't offer brands to form; form has to choose to ignore flow first when suggesting brands to others. ONE doesn't need any words to communicate with ALL.
"Civilization" is a Class XIV scam!
Civilizing those within through means of suggestion aka domestication of choice.
Once again a need/want (balance) issue.
Distinguishing represents growth potential; hence a skill to learn/teach.
Great point...repetition of balance tempts imbalance.
I come back to you once I figured out the layers of numerical encoding they utilize underneath ever suggested language. They are trained to perceived numbers underneath words; which makes it that much easier to cohesively demunize the many who babble idolatry all throughout their lives.
Still the order out of chaos suggestion at play; and still the unquestioned weakness of ignorance within the many; tempting the next best few to exploit them even more viciously. The whole game of thrones represents suggested cult of personalities to put exchangeable faces before those wearing identities as masks in the background; while the faceless corporation racket then allowed the few to deceive the many to mask themselves (first through internet personas and now literally).
Your resistance to their suggestions represents your resistance to the temptation of ignorance; the same ignorance that fuels the few vs many reasoning. Each one needs to resist ignorance (want over need) anyway; yet all the reasoning about suggested information drives the very choice of ignorance causing in into...well...ignorance. Tackling that ignorance would make suggestion impotent; yet the last thing the ignorant wants to tackle is his own ignorance, and so back into the game he goes.
That represents choosing to not want suggested intent; hence consent to suggestion; to reasoning about suggestion and to ignore need for want. How would you touch abortion without touching either pro-life or pro-choice? Wouldn't any choice imply pro-choice?
Intent represents want for outcome; choice represents need of response. Need sustains life; want tempts towards death. Intent is only buried under self imposed ignorance (want over need).
A choice within balance. As for non-selection...how could choice not select within balance?
At first one realizes the suggested flow allegories by the few more and more often; which eventually leads to understanding about form (life) within flow (inception towards death) not being able to express anything without expressing it out of flow. Even ignorance implies what is ignored, and what ignoring represents the response to. As for heat...flow causes momentum; which causes form; which represents velocity meeting resistance; which causes heat.
Flow defines the law; yet only form within flow is bound to it. The farthest downstream from ALL represents ONE.
Those imply the suggested laws of men by the few and consented to by the many; hence the rite aka formal act of religion; from religo - "to bind anew" aka choice (suggestion) to choice (consent) in ignorance of balance/choice (natural bond of offer/consent aka sound/resound etc.)
The root (vireo) of value represents balance for evaluating choice within. This value (balance) is being ignored by choice when consenting to suggested value by the choice of others; hence causing degeneration by ignorance of self sustenance.
Value equals balance (momentum) caused by flow (velocity); which defines responding choice of form (resistance); yet choice within balance implies need (resistance) and want (ignorance); hence being tempted to go along with velocity while ignoring to resist.
Move (choice); good to move (suggested choice); always been moving (balance); fined for failing to move regularly (imbalance caused by consenting to suggested choice; giving those suggesting it the power over those consenting to it).
At the foundation of choice is always self sustenance within balance; so need represents the ongoing; while the ever changing circumstances represent the temporary, and the temporary is what tempts one to want to ignore the ongoing need.
Perceived inspiration (input); choice to respond or ignore (processing); comprehended information (output). Input to processing to output represents internal reaction of ONE to ALL.
Potential is needed to be more sufficient at sustaining life; hence the struggle to grow it while living.