What makes you do good things? Making "the right" choice, Having a positive(?) thought.
There needs to be a push from a balanced (that is in balance) reference point(?) of being/state of mind. Push towards the positive(?) (omnidirectional/infinite). Well most certainly it depends on which frame you choose, from where you look.
The realization simply being the acknowledgement of the existence of good. The potential. Hey, there's a possibility of/for good.
Does anyone practice/does breathwork/yoga/etc? Tounge on the palate and breathing modes/techniques to control the energy works best for me.
Consider everything aka the ONEness of ALL aka energy as the base for every transmutation within. Next consider if "no such thing" implies the choice within everything to ignore it for suggested nothing by the choice of others? Ask yourself...can one within all perceive nothingness; when perception implies response to input?
Standing waves represent form within the medium; from medius - "middle" (momentum) of fluid flow. Reaction as form to flow represents wandering aka hallucination). It's the suggested terms "hallucination and error" that we are told to believe represents mistake; false; which is based on the suggested inversion of reality aka seeking order out of chaos; while ignoring that temporary form (life) represents chaos out of the natural order of ongoing flow (inception towards death).
Ongoing velocity (loss) represents order; temporary resistance within (growth) represents chaos...which is why life struggles to stay within form; while being moved by flow towards death (transmutation back to base).
Consider fiction representing the choice to ignore perceived reality (inspiration) for suggested fiction (information); which is being upheld within conscious memory; causing stagnation within a system based on adaption (balance/choice)?
Soundtrack represents a suggested allegory for track (impression by movement) representing the source of sound for all the ones within. How do you corrupt understanding of being within the track that offers sound? By suggesting them to consent to you as the source for suggested soundtracks.
Lastly...the "real reality" implies the distinction between perceived reality (form) and comprehended real reality (flow). What's lacking is understanding of ones perspective as form within flow aka within the balance of motion (momentum). What you perceive (sound; light etc.) and your comprehension of what it really is (energy in motion)...you need to balance them.
The majority is tempted to ignore comprehended reality (samsara; be in this world; not of it; asleep within the matrix etc.); yet those who comprehend more are also tempted to ignore perceived reality (nirvana; meditation; drugs etc.). The ONEness of ALL represents energy; which the ONEs (form) within ALL (flow) can comprehend; yet energy processes flow/form for loss/growth aka internal balance aka self sustenance; which in return causes each ONE within ALL to have a response-ability of choice within balance.
Therefore...adaption to perceived reality grows comprehension of the real reality. Conscious participation as ONE within ALL can only exist within the ever changing moment(um) of balance; caused by the natural order. In other words...what your senses perceive represents the self differentiation of energy to inspire growth of potential (ONEs form) out of loss of potentiality (ALL flow).
Lack of comprehension caused by choice based response to balance aka want (from within form) over need (from within spirit) aka suggested information over perceived inspiration. The temptation we fall for is to believe that we respond to form creation; when its about transmuting out of base for the sustenance of self.
Example...the LEGOs you build are irrelevant; only the aspect of building aka your formed adaptation to flow is what sustains matter (form). Meanwhile; what you build (information) tempts you and others to want to hold onto it; which ignores that you don't need it for self sustenance; what you need is to adapt to inspiration aka to resonate with communicated movement.
Sounds are enticing; colors are pretty (wanted temptations); yet what one needs is the differentiated inspiration they represent. Adaptation to perceived differences grows comprehension of sameness.
Indicative aka IN'DICATE, verb transitive [Latin indico; in and dico, to show.] implies perceived inspiration as form out of flow. This is what one needs to adapt to; instead of falling for the temptation of others suggesting us what the indicated means (information).
Look at tadpoles within currents; who struggle within momentum for growth; usually while utilizing stones or side-currents to keep momentum aka to not be flushed away by the velocity of flow aka resistance within momentum for growth of form within flow. Believing this suggested information doesn't represents comprehending it for oneself by adaptation to perceived inspiration.
A great starting point is simple to take any object and start a list "what can I do with this object?" Fill it daily for 20 minutes or so and you will teach/learn yourself that you will never run our of inspiration to draw from that one object. Why? Because a) ALL is ONE in energy and b) the list represents your growth of comprehension thereof. You increased your potential by utilizing adaptation to inspiration from one object...now branch your perspective out into ALL perceivable reality (ripples on the surface) and understand that you can never run out of inspiration to grow from. The only limitations are you (temporary form within ongoing flow) and your choice of ignorance (want over need).
Foolish implies suggesting judgement as information upon and towards others. It corrupts both perceived inspiration as the means to grow and it tempts others to defend/attack the judgemental suggestion. For ones choice; every other one represents inspiration (need) and temptation (want)...both simultaneously as the value within balance for the evaluating choice.
Question if ignorance (want or not want) tempts insolence within others?
As for CONVERSATION, noun - "intercourse of sentiments" aka internal exchange of external input aka information suggested of inspiration perceived. Does one need to do that or is one tempted to want to do that? Doesn't seeking agreement with others imply reasoning (want vs not want) over disagreements?
What if choice doesn't require the conflict of agreement vs disagreement with other choice (dissonance); but only to respond as individual choice to collective balance (resonance). Take suggested words out and ask yourself how we would reason about disagreements without the idolization of meaning through suggested words? How to hold grudges without thinking in consented to languages?
What if spell-craft (suggested words as idols of meaning) are not only domesticating ones free will of choice; but also causing the mental self corruption of the ego aka an internal monologue about upheld meaning; suggested as words by others? How much external need for adaptation is being corrupted by the self imposed internal temptation of the ego aka the internal conflict of reasoning about wanting vs not wanting to adapt to both suggested (information) and perceived (inspiration)?
The suggested immovable surface information; that deceives the reader to ignore the moving inspiration underneath; while also tricking him to consent to give the one suggesting it the power to define it at will. Whatever one consents to read was suggested "in nomine" by a substitute author who hides perceived inspiration under suggested information. Flow represents the author of all form within; form represents the authorized choice to respond or ignore it.
Understanding aka comprehension aka intelligence originates from adaptation to knowledge aka perception..not through suggestion. What we are tempted to try to understand is the suggested information from the author of the book; which represents a want based choice tempting us to want more; while making the idol a best-selling author; which simply represents cult of personality; which can be both the author and the suggested information (words); hence personality; persona; per sonos...by sound.
Another issue here is one trying to understand all; which ignores being a differentiated ONE (potential) within the same ALL (potentiality). We are tempted to want to unlock understanding (outcome); while ignoring the growth of understanding (balance within momentum). It is the want that tempts us to consent to suggested information by others aka the fictitious shortcut for understanding, and of course the parasites are branding the suggested information "knowledge"; hence positioning themselves as the suggesting source of all knowledge; while those who consent are ignoring the perceived source of ALL knowledge for each ONE within.
Yet; is he tempted to then seek for more needs within the next suggested book? Was the book full of suggested information ever needed? As for discarding...consider not just physically; but also mentally clearing the cache of all the suggested information you dived through for the crumbs of inspiration. What if that's way more of a struggle than physically throwing the book away; and what if that unwanted information keeps accumulating within your memory?
What I'm getting at is that letting go and you'll receive represents resistance towards suggested information opens up access to perceived inspiration by unleashing the consciousness from self imposed restrictions.
What's the difference between one wanting to distance oneself from others on a mountain; and one not wanting to distance oneself from others; yet lacking to understand that sitting in-front of suggested fiction; while ignoring perceived reality represents just that?
Both the hermit and the transhumanism victim who consents to suggested 0 (fiction) over perceived 1 (reality) are ignoring balance; both are falling for suggested escapism...one physically; one mentally.
The mountaintop; the cushions and the hedgerow represent suggested goals to find enlightenment; yet where did you find it....in the moment; where imbalance (want) inspires choice to resonate with balance (need) If you climb the next mountain; dive for nickels between the cushions or jump into the next hedge; you won't find again; because you're looking for something you want; while ignoring to adapt to what's needed. So many get hooked on "enlightenment"; to then fall for the temptation to attempt to recreate and to capture the moment; while ignoring the implied momentum.
MAG'IC, noun [Latin magia] - "putting into action the power of spirits" aka using inspiration to shape suggestible information.
Speaking represents shaped out of perceived sound (resonance); reason implies conflict about suggested meaning (dissonance). In-between operates choice in response to balance (need/want) or in submission to other choices (want vs not want).
As I was getting high on Teddy Ruxbin...
Yep; utilizing form as inspiration (within spirit); instead of falling for the temptation of suggested information (from within form). As in "don't tell me what you are; let me figure out what you express"...minus telling other what to do; hence suggesting information yourself; which is where words as spell-craft come into play. Using words for oneself is dangerous enough; because they tempt us to uphold them as idolized meaning within our conscious memory; which needs to be used like ram (temporary storage for ongoing adaptation) instead of like a hard-drive (filling up until capacity).
The whole affair aka the ONEness of ALL (energy) implies being "all(in)one" aka alone. The perceivable differences among the individual ONEs are needed as inspiration for choice; otherwise the struggle of temporary form within ongoing flow couldn't work; based on lack of inspiration to struggle for growth.
Now look around and notice how the temptation of ongoing movement still gets most to ignore perceived inspiration. One hasn't learned responsibility of choice yet.
Just a rhetorical deception to trick us to ignore being animal (animated) humans (form) by flow. Suggesting the many to look down upon animals; while corrupting understanding of being animated...it's that simple to fuck choice over with suggested information (idolized meaning).
When you hear soul; spirit think adaption of form to input by flow and you can understand that each ONE within ALL adapts to input; hence being differentiated out of it. If it represents growth (form) within loss (flow); it represents soul; spirit; conscious communication aka adaptation of form to flow.
ROCK, noun (Gr., Latin rupes, from the root of rumpo, to break)...so break it until you understand the smaller parts and their connectivity. Eventually you understand input/response formed into a different expression.
The temptation represents the suggested price (a substitute value); the inspiration represents evaluation by choice of perceived value. The haggling part of the transaction represents balance within momentum; which makes the price agreed upon irrelevant afterwards. The choice within momentum matters; not wanted outcomes.
As for rocks...there were always water surfaces around waiting to be skipped or girls giving you a smile if you gift them a shiny rock. And then came the discovery of a slingshot...
Field of apples...you're hungry and grab one (need); you proclaim that this apple is mine (want); which causes want of more apples (greed); and others wanting your claimed apple (envy). The grass is always greener on the other side...
Mental implies the lack of understanding balance (need/want); which is caused by ignoring perceived need for suggested want. This ignorance among the many is at such a severe level; that the parasitic few exploiting it even managed to suggest us the apple as the symbolism of sin; while the many keep ignoring the responsibility of choice.
Choices; deceptive exploitation of choices; suggested temptation.
Potential of different choices.
Understanding of perceived preventing falling for suggested temptation (want) - still bound to hunger (need).
Adaptation to momentum is where the growth is (aka resistance of form to velocity of flow). The temptation of form vs form and the consequences thereof is what inspired both of you.
a) as inspiration if one chooses to utilize it as such.
b) as an allegory it represents the deception of cessation of motion aka stopping to rest while driving through. One didn't stop; one slowed down resistance to ongoing motion for recuperation of power.
c) enlightenment aka enlighten the ment; from mens (mind) implies resisting to ignore the source of light; while adapting to perceived light; which in return grows comprehension of perceived light; hence enlightenment. It's between ONE (choice) and ALL (balance); while other ONEs (suggested choices) represents the temptation to ignore it.