Every type of corruption, material, financial, political, moral is ultimately a corruption of the spirit.
It comes about through ignorance and/or malice.
A deeply materially corrupted world is, at its core, a deeply corrupted world at a spiritual level.
We had a guy come and try to warn everyone materialism is a lie and we should not bend our knees to the empire, but he got stoned, cruficied and impaled. When the resistance became too much, they just adopted the resistance's religion.
It's an incredible telltale sign that the first state in the world to make vaccines mandatory was the fucking VATICAN.
In the end, all type of tyranny, control, abuse flows onto the dark hearts of the demons, be it nagas at the depth of our earth or any other type of abyssal monstrosity living in the depths of the skies.
Alone we are not strong, but spiritually egregore is everything. Together, by simply denying them, by simply refusing their three temptations for us to betray ourselves, we shall set ourselves free.
We are free luminous anthropos and our prison is temporary, soon it will burn to the ground and only light will come out.
We shall die standing up rather than live on our knees.
It's not actual demons - I haven't seen any evidence they exist. Far more likely it is humans causing all of the problems. To blame our woes on some external power just seems like a cop-out.
HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form]
AN'IMAL, noun [Latin animal from anima, air, breath, soul.]
We all represent animated (animal) form (human). Form (life) animated by flow (inception towards death). Flow communicates itself to everything within by moving it; which those within perceive as inspiration for their choice to respond to (adaptation).
Suggested information by others as idolized meaning "words" tricks us to ignore inspiration (ongoing) for information (affixed); thereby mentally restricting our understanding of being moved.
In short...if you believe the meaning of words others suggest; then you give those others the power to define; redefine and shape at will the meaning of everything you consent to describe with words. Nature does not use words; brands; idols to communicate meaning; it instead uses movement.
To suggest words are controlling is similar to saying "I'm afraid." Such a statement has no meaning (movement) behind it; therefore it has no meaning (movement).
The words of others are not controlling; they are communicating and informing us. The words of others are the inspiration for us to choose to move in a specific way or we can choose to move in a way that defies that inspiration and seeks something else.
We are those that give meaning to things; they define what they are to us. Nature is simply expressing
One of the ways we create reality is by speaking.
And by spelling