They WILL be moving the goalposts until it justifies complete COMMUNIST REVOLUTION.
And an unavoidable part of communist revolutions is mass death.
The combined forces of decade long lockdown caused depression, suicides and overdoses, quarantine camps vanishing people based on magical smart meters, dissents being sent to FEMA camps and starvation caused by deliberate neglect will result in 4 billion DEAD, most youth illiterate and most survivors weeping in despair and grief.
Let this sink into you.
They WILL be moving the goalposts until it justifies complete COMMUNIST REVOLUTION.
And an unavoidable part of communist revolutions is mass death.
The combined forces of decade long lockdown caused depression, suicides and overdoses, quarantine camps vanishing people based on magical smart meters, dissents being sent to FEMA camps and starvation caused by deliberate neglect will result in 4 billion DEAD, most youth illiterate and most survivors weeping in despair and grief.
And this time it isn't just a single country, it's a global one. So 100 million deaths in the past was just practice runs for the final revolution.
They have mocked us with murals at the Denver airport, along with the Abraham accord coin, the sword leading to their delusions of utopia, but not before a final war and global suffering.