In one fell swoop, I saw the "aether" (for real), and also figured out that the planets have a specific order for a reason, and how gravity plays into that.
I guess they call them golden teachers for a reason.
Dude I think the universe wants me to do shrooms. Lots of weird synchronicities, long story.
I did shrooms once or twice when I was 18 or 19 and had fun but not sure I really ate enough and had no idea the spiritual aspect and all that time. Doubt I would even have been open enough to entertain them anyways.
Been listening to Terence Mckenna a lot. I think I need to do it.
None yet, but I will continue trying.
In one fell swoop, I saw the "aether" (for real), and also figured out that the planets have a specific order for a reason, and how gravity plays into that.
I guess they call them golden teachers for a reason.
Wasted on what??
Shrooms...though I've had a few runs with other things.
Golden teachers are a type.
Dude I think the universe wants me to do shrooms. Lots of weird synchronicities, long story.
I did shrooms once or twice when I was 18 or 19 and had fun but not sure I really ate enough and had no idea the spiritual aspect and all that time. Doubt I would even have been open enough to entertain them anyways.
Been listening to Terence Mckenna a lot. I think I need to do it.