Choice (form) within balance (flow) is only indebted to response-ibility. Reality isn't for giving; it's giving (flow) towards those receiving (form).
MEM'ORY, noun [Latin memoria; Gr. to remember.] aka a re-sponse to input aka choice to balance aka form to flow. One is being tempted to not forgive; because one is being deceived to not forget. How? By filling up our memory with suggested information; while we ignore perceived inspiration.
The mind needs to be used like a ram (temporary storage of information for ongoing adaptation to inspiration); yet we are tricked to misuse it as a hard-drive aka accumulation of suggested information until capacity.
critical thought
Reason (want vs not want) represents ignorance of need (perceived inspiration) for consent to want (suggested information) to reason about with those who don't want.
Nature offers balance towards choice; suggestion by others tempts us to ignore it; which causes critical thought.
awareness does not erase this happenstance
Once you are aware that consent to suggestions by others tempts you to destroy yourself through ignorance...blaming others still represents ignorance towards responsibility over choice.
done long term damage
To ourselves (form); not to the natural order (flow). Our choice of ignorance shapes our form; yet flow sets form into momentum; which represents the balance that causes the responding choice to shape ourselves.
to integrate back into a society
SOCI'ETY, noun [Latin societas, from socius, a companion.] - "a number of persons united" aka choice consenting to suggested choice for unity. That represents the choice of ignorance towards U'NITY, noun [Latin unitas.] - "the state of being one; oneness"
ONE (choice) needs to respond to ALL (balance) for resonance; while falling to the temptation to consent to the suggested choices of others causes dissonance for ONE within ALL.
Society represents the beast system of domesticated free will; of self destruction by ignorance of balance.
an option that millions of people embraced
Aka choosing a suggestion by others aka choice wanting to consent to suggested choices; while ignoring that choice needs to respond to balance.
Tolerance has been a poison to civilization and the cure is intolerance.
Teaching a human to follow orders is called to civilize him; teaching a dog to follow orders is called to domesticate him...
Let's try that again: "Tolerance has been a poison to domestication and the cure is intolerance". What if choice (need over want) represents the intolerance to suggested choice (want over need) for domestication? Now is this really a conflict between tolerance vs intolerance or just choice within balance of need/want?
Choice (form) within balance (flow) is only indebted to response-ibility. Reality isn't for giving; it's giving (flow) towards those receiving (form).
MEM'ORY, noun [Latin memoria; Gr. to remember.] aka a re-sponse to input aka choice to balance aka form to flow. One is being tempted to not forgive; because one is being deceived to not forget. How? By filling up our memory with suggested information; while we ignore perceived inspiration.
The mind needs to be used like a ram (temporary storage of information for ongoing adaptation to inspiration); yet we are tricked to misuse it as a hard-drive aka accumulation of suggested information until capacity.
Reason (want vs not want) represents ignorance of need (perceived inspiration) for consent to want (suggested information) to reason about with those who don't want.
Nature offers balance towards choice; suggestion by others tempts us to ignore it; which causes critical thought.
Once you are aware that consent to suggestions by others tempts you to destroy yourself through ignorance...blaming others still represents ignorance towards responsibility over choice.
To ourselves (form); not to the natural order (flow). Our choice of ignorance shapes our form; yet flow sets form into momentum; which represents the balance that causes the responding choice to shape ourselves.
SOCI'ETY, noun [Latin societas, from socius, a companion.] - "a number of persons united" aka choice consenting to suggested choice for unity. That represents the choice of ignorance towards U'NITY, noun [Latin unitas.] - "the state of being one; oneness"
ONE (choice) needs to respond to ALL (balance) for resonance; while falling to the temptation to consent to the suggested choices of others causes dissonance for ONE within ALL.
Society represents the beast system of domesticated free will; of self destruction by ignorance of balance.
Aka choosing a suggestion by others aka choice wanting to consent to suggested choices; while ignoring that choice needs to respond to balance.
Teaching a human to follow orders is called to civilize him; teaching a dog to follow orders is called to domesticate him...
Let's try that again: "Tolerance has been a poison to domestication and the cure is intolerance". What if choice (need over want) represents the intolerance to suggested choice (want over need) for domestication? Now is this really a conflict between tolerance vs intolerance or just choice within balance of need/want?