Nah g its just fucking weird and you have interesting things to share but everytime people read this "ayh" shit it's like condensing the image of a 350lb fedora wearing virginal keyboard masseuse into text... And that's a shut-off switch for everyone.
You probably lost them at "ayh."
No, they'll see you as retarded.
Lmaooo can’t beat em, then join them
Next ask to be a Reddit admin.
Probably should have not fed the board to the globalists, but they likely control it already anyways lol.
this "ayh" shit is really fucking cringe bro... what is wrong with you?
Nah g its just fucking weird and you have interesting things to share but everytime people read this "ayh" shit it's like condensing the image of a 350lb fedora wearing virginal keyboard masseuse into text... And that's a shut-off switch for everyone.
Just communicate like it matters bro...