Just like the post office, they want their essential services intact.
I mean, if "good" cops quit, I don't think they'd care, they'd still have the higher-ups that are under control AND they'd be able to hire more "bad" cops.
Or bring in the "National Guard" (I say that because there's certainly some specious elements to it), or even bigger if they'd plan to go with big false flags or something.
Once police stopped foot patrolling and engaging with the community, their usefulness dwindled immensely. As soon as that happened, neighborhoods just started to crumble, at least in my city. There was almost no need to respect the law because the law was never around
Just like the post office, they want their essential services intact.
I mean, if "good" cops quit, I don't think they'd care, they'd still have the higher-ups that are under control AND they'd be able to hire more "bad" cops.
Or bring in the "National Guard" (I say that because there's certainly some specious elements to it), or even bigger if they'd plan to go with big false flags or something.
Once police stopped foot patrolling and engaging with the community, their usefulness dwindled immensely. As soon as that happened, neighborhoods just started to crumble, at least in my city. There was almost no need to respect the law because the law was never around