He talks about it here -> https://youtu.be/aebtcTi7EaA
Added to this list of famous / semi-famous people who've been injured. https://communities.win/c/Conspiracies/p/13zNFgJCAi/x/c
Channel is Kyle & April - Ride MTB
He talks about it here -> https://youtu.be/aebtcTi7EaA
Added to this list of famous / semi-famous people who've been injured. https://communities.win/c/Conspiracies/p/13zNFgJCAi/x/c
Channel is Kyle & April - Ride MTB
Most of the comments seem so generic that they are made by bots, to drown out any that are critical of the vax.
The strangest comments go on to say how they understand that covid has been hard on people that have caught it. When this guy clearly puts the blame on the vax.
Buncha chinese bots probably. Preas Crap!