I always take those with a grain of salt. But when he said they weren’t luciferian, I immediately doubted. It’s the complete inverse of the Bible. They believe that they can actually achieve complete victory over God by doing exactly the opposite of what the Bible says.
"Wealth and power have diminishing returns". The few farm the ignorance of the many towards value (balance) and evaluation (choice); and ignorance (choice of want over need) diminishes perceived value (by corrupting comprehension through ignorance) and power of evaluation (cause ignorance of self sustenance tempts towards death).
Mass awakening and resistance is what they fear, but I believe they will glass the planet rather than lose control. We discussed this several years ago when those helicopters landed in LA. We thought it would be a nuke or bio-weapon.
I have no doubt that this is the fake virus attack and they have much more deadly viruses they are holding back.
I feel like I know a lot and I learned a few things. For example he explains how depopulation isn’t really the plan but control for power is.
I always take those with a grain of salt. But when he said they weren’t luciferian, I immediately doubted. It’s the complete inverse of the Bible. They believe that they can actually achieve complete victory over God by doing exactly the opposite of what the Bible says.
He said they are Luciferian but their primary motivation isn’t Lucifer. It’s money and power. Greed.
"Wealth and power have diminishing returns". The few farm the ignorance of the many towards value (balance) and evaluation (choice); and ignorance (choice of want over need) diminishes perceived value (by corrupting comprehension through ignorance) and power of evaluation (cause ignorance of self sustenance tempts towards death).
Can you post it here so I dont have to go on the FBI’s trap site?
Haven't you learned your lesson from the Qlarp?
This guy admits q was a larp.
If you read through all of the comments and still think this larp is legitimate, do the world a huge favor and make sure your bloodline ends with you.
Mass awakening and resistance is what they fear, but I believe they will glass the planet rather than lose control. We discussed this several years ago when those helicopters landed in LA. We thought it would be a nuke or bio-weapon.
I have no doubt that this is the fake virus attack and they have much more deadly viruses they are holding back.
16 yr old LARP. Too cliched, all the jerkers included and no substance. And language is off.
Pure disinfo larp. 2/10.