Why do you think there will be a decades long lockdown?
You know what? If this is a communist revolution (which it most likely is), they will not just slip away with a vaccine that kills/damages 5 out of 1000 people (the damage this causes will realm to pennies). Trust me, they will simply not. Governments undergoing a Communist Revolution will keep escalating until BILLIONS die right on the spot visibly, almost always via forced starvation, concentration camps and psychological damage.
And if there is something that is noticeable in this scamdemic, it is INDEFINITELY escalating through an extended period of time.
(If you believe the situation is deescalating, remember the Elites have a tendency to feign de-escalation (see Weimar Germany) before the real shit hits the fan.)
You really think people are going to just sit there that long?
Yes, they will and WILL. Deal with it. It might sound very weird, but in Soviet Russia, Maoist China and Khmer Rouge, this is exactly what happened to the people. They just cower there completely under the whims of psychotic communists.
Or is this based off of Lock Step?
Sure, it is. And it's been succinctly demonstrated that this is EXACTLY what they are aiming for.
Yes, this is why you prepare to get out of the cities NOW and into the Wilderness.
You do not know when Tedros will make the statement where "the vaccines don't work, a mutant virus is setting us back to stage 1 and I advocate all governments lock down everything for a month, until the virus has been eradicated."
You know what? If this is a communist revolution (which it most likely is), they will not just slip away with a vaccine that kills/damages 5 out of 1000 people (the damage this causes will realm to pennies). Trust me, they will simply not. Governments undergoing a Communist Revolution will keep escalating until BILLIONS die right on the spot visibly, almost always via forced starvation, concentration camps and psychological damage.
And if there is something that is noticeable in this scamdemic, it is INDEFINITELY escalating through an extended period of time.
(If you believe the situation is deescalating, remember the Elites have a tendency to feign de-escalation (see Weimar Germany) before the real shit hits the fan.)
Yes, they will and WILL. Deal with it. It might sound very weird, but in Soviet Russia, Maoist China and Khmer Rouge, this is exactly what happened to the people. They just cower there completely under the whims of psychotic communists.
Sure, it is. And it's been succinctly demonstrated that this is EXACTLY what they are aiming for.
Yes, this is why you prepare to get out of the cities NOW and into the Wilderness.
You do not know when Tedros will make the statement where "the vaccines don't work, a mutant virus is setting us back to stage 1 and I advocate all governments lock down everything for a month, until the virus has been eradicated."
The lockdowns will not be a month by then.
Smoke? heat detection. Your own bodyheat will give your location away.
Inner city solutions are more practical.