The servers are based in Dubai/UAE, UAE is one of the world's most extreme dictatorships which is 100% controlled by israelis.
In addition, UAE is notorious with hiring and paying top dollar to israeli mossad tech officers and many israeli companies run and manage all the "cyber security" needs for UAE, UAE hires many mercenaries and supposedly ex CIA, Mossad, etc..
Currently if an israeli criminal is given an early retirement reward, they will find him a job in Dubai/Abu Dhabi paying in couple of years all what he earned while torturing Palestinian children in the Shabak or Mossad.
Internet aka internal net represents NET, noun - "a cunning device; a snare" for the internal processing of information.
Internally we comprehend by choice the externally perceived inspiration...or; we choose to ignore this for the suggested information by others. Need or will of choice, yet only need sustains life; while wants are parasitically exploited through suggestions by others.