Re pine - I wonder whether this is a factor in the claimed useful anti-covid symptom effect of pine needle tea.
I note that ETDA can be used to remove plaque. I use an oral ETDA consumption regimen about twice a year to clear some plaque from vessels. Intravenous EDTA is also use formally for such clearing, but one can as a consumer employ the oral approach through consuming on an empty stomach to avoid combination with foodstuffs. My guess is it may be helpful in dealing with some symptoms from covid.
Note: Pine needle tea =/= Pine bark extract, although they may share compounds (so maybe you could be right, or they may different complementary effects).
Also added an update about Vitamin K in the above comment.
Re pine - I wonder whether this is a factor in the claimed useful anti-covid symptom effect of pine needle tea.
I note that ETDA can be used to remove plaque. I use an oral ETDA consumption regimen about twice a year to clear some plaque from vessels. Intravenous EDTA is also use formally for such clearing, but one can as a consumer employ the oral approach through consuming on an empty stomach to avoid combination with foodstuffs. My guess is it may be helpful in dealing with some symptoms from covid.
Note: Pine needle tea =/= Pine bark extract, although they may share compounds (so maybe you could be right, or they may different complementary effects).
Also added an update about Vitamin K in the above comment.
Wasn't aware of EDTA. Will look into it. Thanks.