It wasn't thermite, it was nano thermate. The former is an incendiary, the latter was used as a military explosive. It was one of the smoking guns of 9/11. Nano thermate is an extremely intimately mixed material. In 2001 there were literally only a few companies in the world that could make it. It should have been easy to find out who the supplier of it was. But no one ever traced this path. NIST never even tested for explosives.
The debunkers like to claim it was just red paint with rust on the back. But when the material was tested it was extremely exothermic, releasing it's energy in a very short burst. It also had a much higher peak that than of thermite. It would be like claiming they used explosive paint in the buildings.
The observed “partly evaporated” steel members is particularly upsetting to the official theory, since fires involving paper, office materials, even diesel fuel, cannot generate temperatures anywhere near the ~5,180F (~2860C) needed to evaporate steel. (Recall that WTC 7 was not hit by a jet, so there was no jet fuel involved in the fires in this building.) However, thermite-variants, RDX and other commonly-used incendiaries or explosives (i.e., cutter-charges) can readily slice through steel, thus cutting the support columns in a controlled demolition, and reach the required temperatures. This mystery needs to be explored – but is not mentioned in the “official” 9-11 Commission or NIST repor
Thermite is a mixture of iron oxide and aluminum powder. The end products of the thermite reaction are aluminum oxide and
molten iron.
So the thermite reaction generates molten iron directly, and is hot enough to melt and even evaporate steel which it contacts while reacting.
Thermite contains its own supply of oxygen and so the reaction cannot be smothered, even with water. Use of sulfur in conjunction with the thermite, for example in thermate, will accelerate the destructive effect on steel, and sulfidation of structural steel was indeed observed in some of the few recovered members from the WTC rubble, as reported in Appendix C of the FEMA report. (FEMA, 2002; see also,
Pons and Fleischmann were forced to make their announcement before they were ready, thus making it easier to shoddily "debunk" their discovery in the press and put the mere notion of cold fusion to rest in the public's consciousness.
They were forced to play their hand prematurely by none other than Steven Jones.
I'll reiterate:
The papers were peer reviewed. Jones also wasn't the only person to work on the nano thermate theory. How else can you explain the presence of this material in the debris of the WTC buildings. How else do you explain the motel metal .. and the steel still glowing red hot weeks after 9/11 ?
Well that's exactly what all the Centcom shills have been saying for years. I never believed you to be a paid shill but I guess anything is possible. A lot of people were fooled by the DEW space-beam baloney. Just like a lot of people were fooled by "nobody died at Sandy Hook" and "nobody died in Las Vegas" and lots of other intel agency larps that they've played upon the "truther"-crowd.
If you take an honest look at the evidence and use your brain it's hard to consider the DEW theory to be any more credible than the flat-earth theory. It's just nonsensical fodder for the autistic defects among us. Anyway, I don't blame people for being fooled but it's time to take your head out of the sand and stop gate-keeping a "theory" that was put forth by Judy Wood (obviously a fool or a shill just go watch any of her interviews), Morgan Reynolds (a George Bush administration member!) , James Fetzer (habitual cheerleader of the aforementioned "nobody died at.." theories)
Ironic that we come here to escape the reddit censorship and anti-freethought social media and here you are "fact-checking" the only real scientific inquiry into the collapse of the towers with your DEW space-beam no-plane theory.
Your kind are the type of people that stifled the 9/11 investigation with personal attacks and easily discredited baloney, meant to be so outrageous to the average person that they would instantly reject it upon hearing it. Dr. Stephen Jones was one of the only accredited individuals who put forth a serious investigative effort and he worked with dozens of others individuals with Scientific degrees to analyze the evidence. There has never been one legitimate credible bad thing to say about Dr Jones that I have ever heard. He was always modest and simply trying to bring the evidence to the discussion.
So please, stop gatekeeping. Your bias has shown. Your refusal to sticky anything related to 9/11 that isn't DEWtard crap shows what you believe. Your credibility has been blown in my book, just like the towers were blown, as the EVIDENCE clearly shows.
Like a scared frenzied rat desperately trying to hide their true nature, axolotl_peyotl banned u/PussiesOwnPitbulls before he could post my reply to this.
It wasn't thermite, it was nano thermate. The former is an incendiary, the latter was used as a military explosive. It was one of the smoking guns of 9/11. Nano thermate is an extremely intimately mixed material. In 2001 there were literally only a few companies in the world that could make it. It should have been easy to find out who the supplier of it was. But no one ever traced this path. NIST never even tested for explosives.
I had to remove the second mention of "nano" to bring it to exactly 300 chars but yes, +1
The debunkers like to claim it was just red paint with rust on the back. But when the material was tested it was extremely exothermic, releasing it's energy in a very short burst. It also had a much higher peak that than of thermite. It would be like claiming they used explosive paint in the buildings.
Is nano thermite capable of vaporizing a billion pounds of steel?
Wow, deja vu.
I warned you guys about "Dr. Steven Jones" almost a DECADE ago:
Dr. Steven Jones is a fraud and liar and shouldn't be praised at the top of /r/conspiracy. The thermite theory is a red herring and Jones is controlled opposition that has infiltrated the 9/11 truth movement.
Jones "had actually been instrumental in debunking the claims that cold fusion had been achieved back in the late 80s."
Pons and Fleischmann were forced to make their announcement before they were ready, thus making it easier to shoddily "debunk" their discovery in the press and put the mere notion of cold fusion to rest in the public's consciousness.
They were forced to play their hand prematurely by none other than Steven Jones.
I'll reiterate:
The papers were peer reviewed. Jones also wasn't the only person to work on the nano thermate theory. How else can you explain the presence of this material in the debris of the WTC buildings. How else do you explain the motel metal .. and the steel still glowing red hot weeks after 9/11 ?
I'm not saying zero nano-thermite was used, just that it couldn't possibly have been the main mechanism that brought down/dustified the towers.
ALSO, these materials CAN result from the Hutchison Effect apparently. Read the current stickied megathread on the DEW hypothesis.
Fake news! You definitely haven't read the DEW megathread then.
Steven Jones was caught ALTERING IMAGES to make them REDDER and appear hotter to support the "glowing red" red herring.
The molten metal aspect appears to be disinfo. Read that thread!
Unfortunately, it doesn't matter if "other people" are working on the nano-thermite theory.
What matters is a CONFIRMED SPOOK is championing the theory.
Does that automatically discredit thermite? Well, no, but anyone championing Jones/thermite WITHOUT mentioning his sketchy past is MAD SUS.
The dude is literally the epitome of glowiedom.
I really respect you btw and don't mean to cast aspersions on the efforts of many 9/11 truthers.
However, I will continue to maintain that nano-thermite is a red herring. Was it used? Possibly. Was it the ONLY thing used? DEFINITELY NOT.
Steel was definitely glowing red hot weeks after 9/11.
There are many more images like that
Well that's exactly what all the Centcom shills have been saying for years. I never believed you to be a paid shill but I guess anything is possible. A lot of people were fooled by the DEW space-beam baloney. Just like a lot of people were fooled by "nobody died at Sandy Hook" and "nobody died in Las Vegas" and lots of other intel agency larps that they've played upon the "truther"-crowd.
If you take an honest look at the evidence and use your brain it's hard to consider the DEW theory to be any more credible than the flat-earth theory. It's just nonsensical fodder for the autistic defects among us. Anyway, I don't blame people for being fooled but it's time to take your head out of the sand and stop gate-keeping a "theory" that was put forth by Judy Wood (obviously a fool or a shill just go watch any of her interviews), Morgan Reynolds (a George Bush administration member!) , James Fetzer (habitual cheerleader of the aforementioned "nobody died at.." theories)
Ironic that we come here to escape the reddit censorship and anti-freethought social media and here you are "fact-checking" the only real scientific inquiry into the collapse of the towers with your DEW space-beam no-plane theory.
Your kind are the type of people that stifled the 9/11 investigation with personal attacks and easily discredited baloney, meant to be so outrageous to the average person that they would instantly reject it upon hearing it. Dr. Stephen Jones was one of the only accredited individuals who put forth a serious investigative effort and he worked with dozens of others individuals with Scientific degrees to analyze the evidence. There has never been one legitimate credible bad thing to say about Dr Jones that I have ever heard. He was always modest and simply trying to bring the evidence to the discussion.
So please, stop gatekeeping. Your bias has shown. Your refusal to sticky anything related to 9/11 that isn't DEWtard crap shows what you believe. Your credibility has been blown in my book, just like the towers were blown, as the EVIDENCE clearly shows.
Like a scared frenzied rat desperately trying to hide their true nature, axolotl_peyotl banned u/PussiesOwnPitbulls before he could post my reply to this.
pop got a temp ban for literally threatening to kill other .win users. Not a good look.
Didn’t you get the memo -W is good now he paints pretty pictures /s