Looks like i hit a nerve. I stand by what i said. You (probably) have multiple devices to look up exactly what you want to know. Of course reviews exist. Which are often found...drumroll on the internet, which you can access with...drumroll your devices! It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to learn things. Unless of course you have trouble finding out how to learn things in the first place? ... Yikes, dude. Just yikes.
Looks like i hit a nerve. I stand by what i said. You (probably) have multiple devices to look up exactly what you want to know. Of course reviews exist. Which are often found...drumroll on the internet, which you can access with...drumroll your devices! It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to learn things. Unless of course you have trouble finding out how to learn things in the first place? ... Yikes, dude. Just yikes.